Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanı Murat Kurum, yeni tip koronavirüs (Kovid-19) salgını sürecinde insan sağlığını korumanın yolunun, çevreyi, doğal alanları ve tabiat varlıklarını korumaktan geçtiğini söyledi.
#Murat KurumÇevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı, Türkiye’ye yatırım yapmak isteyen yabancıları doğru yönlendirmek, yatırım kararlarına ilişkin verilere erişim sağlamak, başvuru süreçlerinde ve sonrasında taşınmaz edinimi ve vatandaşlık kazanımı başta olmak üzere tapu ve kadastro ile ilgili tüm işlemlerine yardımcı olmak amacıyla devlet güvencesi altında hizmet sunan “Yabancılar Bilgi Portalı (Your Key Turkey)”nı hazırladı.
#GazetehaberleriTapu ve Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü, Türkiye'de taşınmaz edinmek isteyen yabancıların başvuru sürecinden itibaren doğru yönlendirilmesi amacıyla istatistiki veriler, gayrimenkul edinimi yoluyla vatandaşlık kazanımı hakkındaki bilgiler ve tapu müdürlüklerinden randevu alınması gibi her türlü bilgi akışının sağlandığı bilgi portalını kurdu. "Your Key Turkey" web adresli, Türkçe dahil 4 dilde aktif hizmet veren portalda, ilerleyen günlerde Rusça, Fransızca ve İspanyolca hizmet de sunulacak.
#Tapu Ve Kadastro Genel MüdürlüğüANKARA - Viewing Russia as an unpredictable energy supplier, the European Union needs a reliable energy corridor. Europeans need to know more about Turkey’s energy strategy and its plans on energy efficiency to be convinced that Turkey can provide this, says Jean Lamy, a top French energy official.
ISTANBUL - A historian and social anthropologist by training who has spent a quarter of her life as an expat, Sema Alpayta is this year's only Turkish participant in NASA's Aerospace Institute taking place later this month. She hopes to use her experience to help enrich the lives of the expatriate teenagers she teaches in Istanbul as well as the community.
Last month interesting winds were blowing in respect to the relationship between Turkey and the European Union. On one side there were statements by Sarkozy and Merkel that attracted reactions in Turkey and on the other side news stirring from other EU members and the commission.
ISTANBUL - The relationship between South Africa and Turkey is "sound," but could be enhanced, said South African Ambassador to Turkey Tebogo Seokolo, who urged the continuation of efforts to encourage business and tourism between the two countries.
ANTALYA - Senior executives of Turkey’s leading corporations and financial institutions come together with MBAstudents, sharing their experiences in the business world. Kamil Gökhan Bozkurt of Türk Telekom emphasizes the importance of collective intelligence, while Galya Frayman Molinas says a ’segmented approach’ helped Coca-Cola to break sales records
Often women journalists and other professionals confess to keeping their children out of working, cocktail and boardroom conversations. Before I was an employee with a child, these women struck me as part of the problem. They seemed happy to contribute to the illusion of the unisex workplace free of messy children who might bring about worry, exhaustion and postpartum depression. Or family-friendly policies.
How bizarre it is that in a country where no one listens to each other yet everyone monitors phone calls of others or at least people have such concerns. But privacy is one of the pillars of human rights. Individuals as the subject of human rights law are entitled to have their private spheres where the state is not allowed.
ISTANBUL - The murder of Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink two years ago, on Jan. 19, 2006, cut down a person who fought his whole life to eliminate barriers between Turks and Armenians. After the murder there emerged a need among the Turkish public to seek out and learn more about Dink and his convictions.