Arjantin'den Slovenya'nın başkentine göç etmiş, iki çocuklu sıradan görünümlü çiftin Rus ajanı olduğu haberleri, Avrupa basınında deprem etkisi yarattı. Çifti tanıyanlar "İmkânsız" derken resmî makamlar çok kesin konuşuyor. Üstelik son dönemde Rus istihbaratı için çalıştığı iddia edilen sade vatandaşların sayısında gözle görülür bir artış var. Peki neden? Ayrıntılar haberimizde...
#RusyaBomonti’de açılan The Ordinary’de ufak değişikliklerle bazı yemekleri tekrar düşünmeleri gerekse de ben marine sardalyayı beğendim; domates, sarımsak ve kapari makul miktarda. Kuzu etli ve acı biberli pizzanın malzeme kalitesi, hamuru ve pişmesi iyiydi. Tatlılardaysa süt yerine kefir kreması kullanarak turnayı gözünden vurmuşlar.
#Odun FırınıSon yıllarda güzellik uğruna hayvanlara zarar vermemeyi ilke edinen pek çok vegan kozmetik markası ortaya çıktı. Doğal içeriklerle hazırlanan bu ürünlerin cilt için daha sağlıklı olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Oysa uzmanlar papatyanın bile bazı ciltlere zarar verebileceğini söylüyor; doğal ve vegan da olsa bir ürünü içeriğine bakarak satın almamız gerektiği konusunda uyarıyor.
#KozmetikRenklerin evrensel lisanı olarak tanımlanabilen ve uluslararası geçerlilikte bir renk kodu olan Pantone, her sene New York Moda Haftası sonrasında ünlü tasarımcıların renk tercihlerine göre bir sonraki yılın renk trendleri raporlarını hazırlıyor. 45 yılı aşkın süredir bize ilham veren Pantone gezegenine inişe geçmeye hazırsanız, kemerlerinizi bağlayın; renk antenlerinizi açın!
ADANA - As the Golden Boll International Film Festival continues apace in the southern city of Adana, the best films in each section are coming to the forefront. One of the most anxiously awaited films among the National Feature Films Competition is ’On the Way to School.’ An animated film was also among the most liked films in the festival.
ISTANBUL - The rise of the religious class and the AKP’s hold on power has Turkey’s traditional elites on the defensive and feeling like their role as upholders of Republican values is being usurped, according to research based on interviews with the former movers and shakers.
ISTANBUL - A series of photographs by Danish artist Annette Merrild depicting the ordinary side of life in different countries is on display at Istanbul Modern. The captions of rooms inhabited by ’ordinary’ representatives of nine European countries will remain on display until Aug. 30
President George W. Bush tried to sell it by a strategy of aggression. Unsurprisingly, he failed. Now there is a new man at the helm who wants to sell the same commodity to far away markets of Arabia, not by force, but by what pundits call the "mellow doctrine."
Hasan Cemal’s impressions, which are based on statements by the No. 1 leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, Murat Karayılan, of northern Iraq and Kandil are full of signals showing that a new period has started for what can be called the most important issue in Turkey.
BAGHDAD - Recent bombings and clashes feed fears among Iraqis that their country may be sliding back into violence as US troops prepare to pull out and the general election nears. Baghdad blames the violence on Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, but concerns also grow over intra-Shiite rivalry
As the unemployment figure broke records for the Republic’s history reaching 13.6 percent and the economy narrowed by 6.2 percent in the last quarter of 2008, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is seeking consolation with remarks of the crisis being global. His reluctant approach left its mark on Sunday’s local polls.
ANTALYA - A series of conversations titled City-Museum-History Meetings, held over the past two years, has featured 48 speakers who have discussed 38 themes regarding the history and culture of the southern city of Antalya. The event has become an indispensable activity in Antalya.
BAGHDAD - Galleries in Iraqi capital Baghdad, whether owned privately or by the ministry of culture, show a remarkable return to a high level of activity and have launched a four-month season of exhibitions six years after the US-led invasion, reviving a practice which began in the 1950s but then fell victim to the invasion
ISTANBUL - The stimulus package announced by the government is a step in the right direction, says Bülent Eczacıbaşı, chairman of Turkey’s Eczacıbaşı Holding. Similar measures that can boost demand should be taken into consideration, he says, adding that the deflationary period the world has entered makes it possible to debate economic taboos.
ISTANBUL - Konya police chief, Ercan Taştekin offers an inside view into the police force through biting dialogue and stories with his colleagues, in his book. ’Ezber Bozan Polis-lik’ is the first in a series of books Taştekin plans to publish in the same style.