GeriSeyahat Yilmaz Ozdil: On the occasion of Karamanlis' visit to Ankara, some numbers......
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Yilmaz Ozdil: On the occasion of Karamanlis' visit to Ankara, some numbers......

Yilmaz Ozdil: On the occasion of Karamanlis' visit to Ankara, some numbers......

What does Karamanlis mean?
It means someone from "Karaman."
Well, is Karaman in Greece?
Where is it?
In Konya, Turkey.
Where exactly then?
You know, over there.
Well, since Karamanlis has arrived in Turkey for an official visit, maybe it's time to take a look at some of the differences between "there" (Greece) and "here."
They have entered the EU.
We have not been able to.
They have gotten Greek Cyprus in too.
We have not been able to push Turkish Cyprus in.
They have become European Champions.
We have not.
They have hosted the Olympics.
We have not.
They have bought a bank from us.
We have not bought any of theirs.
They sell cotton to us.
We used to sell cotton to them.
They have 135 active companies here in Turkey.
We have 14 or so companies active in Greece......
Their males live to an average of 78.
Ours lives to an average of 67.
Their women generally see the age of 83.
Our women generally live at least a decade less.
6 out of every one thousand Greek babies die by the age of 5.
In Turkey 45 out of every thousand babies die by the age of 5.
The average Greek girl goes to school until age 18.
For Turkish girls? Age 11.
27% of Greeks know a foreign language.
3% of Turks do.
82% of the population uses toilet paper.
In Turkey? Only 8%.
But are we always behind? No! For example, the number of books printed annually by Greece, with a population of 10 million, and Turkey, with its population of 70 million, is EQUAL!
Anyway, these are some of the clear differences between "over there" and "here"-if you were interested, that is.