İstanbul KüçükÇiftlik Park’ta, 10 Temmuz Salı akşamı toplanacak şanslı kalabalık, Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds’in bir canlı müzik performansından çok ‘duygusal/ruhani/cinai/şehevi’ ayini çağrıştıran gösterisine tanıklık edecek. Eminim bir ömür içinizde taşıyacağınız başka, çok başka, bambaşka bir deneyim olacak. Hazırsak sahneyi boşaltalım, hisleri harman edip Nick Cave’i bekleyelim.
#Küçükçiftlik Park’70 ve 80’li yıllarda gorillerin yaşam alanlarını korumak adına Ruanda’da yaptığı önemli çalışmalarla bilinen ve 1985 yılında vahşi bir cinayete kurban edilen ünlü primatolog Dian Fossey’nin hayatı belgesel oldu. James Marsh, baş yapımcılığını yaptığı bu üç bölümlük belgeseli anlattı.
#Dian FosseyCraft Tiyatro faaliyete başlayalı henüz birkaç ay oldu. Barış Gönenen ve İpek Bilgin’in rol aldığı ‘Uğrak Yeri’ de ilk oyunlarından. Genç yönetmen Sami Berat Marçalı’nın yönettiği eser, Philip Ridley imzasını taşıyor. İngiliz oyun yazarı mahalle baskısının bireylerin üzerindeki olumsuz sonuçlarını ‘homofobi’ izleği üzerinden anlatmış.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated Sunday that his country is prepared to recognize a two-state settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian problem, provided Palestinians recognize Israel "as the nation of the Jewish people" and agree to demilitarize "completely." Though a marked parting from his hard-line opposition to the idea of a Palestinian state, the conditions attached will likely doom the offer to remain "Bibi’s joke."
Some teams have their national pride on the line in every World Baseball Classic game, some feel the support of their presidents, but for the US team, it is little more than a training camp before the MLB season. That is why teams like Cuba and Venezuela are frontrunners for the title as the WBC runs to a close
ISTANBUL - The Nobel Prize winner playwright Harold Pinter was a vocal opponent of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, likening U.S. President George W. Bush's administration to the Nazis and calling former British Prime Minister Tony Blair a "mass murderer." He also criticized a former ban on the Kurdish language in Turkey after the 1980 military coup and wrote a play on the issue
The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are seeking agricultural-investment opportunities in a handful of developing countries, including Turkey, Sudan and Pakistan, in an effort to meet rising food demand, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). (UPDATED)
German and Spanish warships carrying aid to conflict-torn Georgia entered Istanbul's Bosporus Straits on Thursday. Turkey earlier approved the transit of two U.S. navy ships to the Black Sea to transport humanitarian relief supplies. (UPDATED)
Five more U.S. military flights with relief supplies were dispatched to war-torn Georgia Monday as Washington holds talks with Turkey for the possible use of the Bosporus straits for humanitarian missions. Turkey is concerned that such a move could hurt its relations with Russia amid the changing political landscape of the region.
Washington has made no formal request from Ankara to allow two U.S. hospital ships to sail through the Turkish Straits to Georgia, a U.S. diplomat said Saturday, following reports that Turkey was dragging its feet on making a decision.
We are living in different Turkey since the prime minister stated: "What if the headscarf is being worn as a political symbol. Can you accept wearing a political symbol as a crime?" He made this response when asked by journalists his thoughts on claims that the headscarf was the symbol of politics, rather than religious piousness, on Jan 14, in Madrid.
A fire at a makeshift barracks for construction workers in the Moscow region killed 11 and injured four Thursday, authorities said.The blaze occurred in the town of Pavshinskaya Poima, about 5 kilometers (3 miles) outside the Moscow city limits, and gutted six metal barracks where workers slept, Emergency Situations Ministry spokeswoman Natalya Lukash said.
Recalling that Emine Erdogan handed the necklace to the Treasury and return the silk carpet to the show owner in Moscow, Eksi says that "We thought that this issue was closed. But we were mistaken. Because later on, gifts presented to other state officials came to the agenda.
Miláttan Önce 4. yüzyılda yaşayan Yunanlı heykeltıraş Lisippos’un eseri olduklarına inanılan ve bugün Venedik’teki meşhur Aziz Marko Kilisesi’nde sergilenen bronzdan yapılmış dört adet at heykeli, bir zamanlar İstanbul’da durur, Bizans’ın şimdi Sultanahmed Meydanı olan Hipodrom’unu süslerdi.