Ferai Tınç: Heating Referendum In Cyprus

“The European Union started re-heating the issue of Cyprus. But when this dish will come to the table is unclear... Preparations indicate that it will come ahead after the decision of EU to begin talks but before commencing them.

Haberin Devamı

“In a broad-based meeting aiming to further civilian social dialogue between Turkey and Italy, I witnessed the coming into existence, of certain development which I was suspecting for a week.

“The number-one topic of the Turco-Italian Forum was naturally December 17. Will talks with Turkey begin? Italians generally approach this issue positively. No negative message came from the Berlusconi government so far.

“Yesterday’s meeting aimed at expanding the good relations with the Italian Right-wing, to the Left. In his address, Italian Left democracy Party’s (PDS) Chairman Fassino said that they had spent efforts for Turkey’s integration with EU when he was the foreign minister of the left-wing government.

Haberin Devamı

..There is a certain consensus not only in the Italian government but also in the Italian left about Turkey’s membership. But the extreme right and Lega supporters think differently.

“Yesterday, Foreign Minister Gul and his Italian colleague Gianfranco Fini were in the meeting and they addressed the audience. Gul delivered a good speech, saying that relations between the two countries will further the Mediterranean solidarity and the stability in the region. Fini , like his government voiced support to begin talks with Turkey.

“Cyprus came to the agenda right at this point. As the country giving the warmest messages for Turkey’s EU membership, Italy appeared to be charged with doing this job.

“I listened to Fini, by also recalling the Rome visit of Greek Cypriot leader Papadopulous and his meeting with Berlusconi, whose details were not made public.

“Fini said “Yes, Turkey and Turkish Cypriots did all they could for a settlement in Cyprus and said yes to the Annan Plan. But the other side rejected this. This result is a shock for us. “

Haberin Devamı

“The things Fini said after this point, were more important. He said, “But the European Union is such a sphere that it can not tolerate continued problems among its members. Evading responsibility, by saying that you have done all you can in Cyprus, is unacceptable. This problem still awaits a solution. “

“A few questions more were needed to understand Fini’s words. And it was eventually understood,. “Italy will do all it can, to resume a new process to re-handle the Cyprus problem under the roof of the United Nations and on the basis of the Annan Plan.””

“Yes, the Cyprus issue is being re-heated. The confessions of former EOKA (Greek Cypriot terror organization) militants were leaked to the press, maybe for this reason. With the condition that the Yes response of Turkish Cypriots remain on the table, another referendum by Greek Cypriots to adopt the Annan Plan, should be considered positively by ourselves. In such a case, Turkey will be recognizing a partnership state with Turkish Cypriots inside it as an equal side.

Haberin Devamı

“But to ensure a Yes reply from Greek Cypriots, opening negotiations and changing all parameters, is out of the question. I hope those willing to resume the process keep this fact in mind.”


US Does Not Trust Turkey In Iran Issue

The George W. Bush administration, which started a tough policy against Iran after being re-elected, does not believe that Turkey would be alongside U.S. if they were challenged by the Tehran regime.

In the evaluation made by the U.S. institutions, Ankara is among the countries that “will not support U.S. ” category based on the Iraq experiences. U.S resources stated that they demanded from Turkey to persuade Iran before the nuclear crisis grows.

Haberin Devamı


IMF: You Are Among World’s Most Dynamic Economies

IMF Chairman Rodrigo Rato said that Turkey, where the IMF policies are successfully implemented, was among the most dynamic economies in the world.

In a conference in the Oviedo University, Spain, Rato said that Brazil, Turkey and South Korea were among the most dynamic economies in the world.

Rato said that free trade was a basic and affective formula for the decrease between the rich and poor countries and for the stabilization of the economies of states with low income. Rato called on the rich countries to make multiparty free trade agreements.


Advantageous EU Door To Exports From Tunisia

A free trade agreement has been signed between Turkey and Tunisia.

Haberin Devamı

State Minister Kursat Tuzmen and Tunisian Trade and Hand Handicrafts Minister Mondher Zanaidi signed the free trade agreement which means the lowering of the trade walls between the two countries.

The agreement will facilitate more tax advantage in exportation to European markets through Tunisia, especially in textile goods. Tuzmen said that soon they would see the concrete results of this free trade agreement between the two countries.

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