Sinema dünyasının en gösterişli şovu bu yıl 96'ncı kez düzenlendi. Sinema Sanatları ve Bilimleri Akademisi (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) tarafından verilen Oscar Ödülleri, Los Angeles'taki Dolby Tiyatrosu'nda sahiplerini buldu.
#Oscar 2024Bazen hayat üzerinize gelir, sıkıntılar hiç bitmez ve kaybolacakmışsınız gibi hissedersiniz. Ya da kaybolup gitmek... Böyle durumlarda belki de yalnızca doğru filmi seyretmeniz gerekli. O zaman, zaten içinizde olan cevaba daha yakın hissedebilirsiniz.
#500 Days Of SummerISTANBUL - Chile is a long way from Turkey but exchange programs of various sorts can help bridge some of that geographical gap. One of those programs culminates in two prominent Chilean films, Machuca and B-Happy, which are showing at the Pera Museum. Starting with Pera was very useful and from there it will grow, according to young and attractive Chilean actress Manuela Martelli, who stars in one of the films.
FETHİYE - Inside an unattractive building is kept one of the nicest places you may see in Fethiye.The Cultural Center may be aptly called as a ’creative beehive’ and offers classes where local residents are creating a whole range of arts and crafts of which this coastal town should be proud
ISTANBUL - By turns classical and popular-folk, harpist Şirin Pancaroğlu’s new album with Israeli percussionist Yinon Muallem feels like a tide rising and falling between continents and musical styles. On the Anatolian song "Kervan," her lyric harp rises like Sandro Botticelli’s "The Birth of Venus," accompanied by foreboding sea drums.
The one who does the actual reading of the coffee grounds seems to matter little, since it is read with a vehemence that leaves little doubt that anyone else would see the same. It seems that a person’s ability to read the grounds lies more in the variety of detail, rather than the degree of veracity. This is reading a book, not telling a story.
My column neighbor Burak Bekdil was writing about anti-Semitism in Turkey yesterday. And he was presenting not just a stance against this wicked trend, but also a blame he carefully put on one specific camp in Turkey. He, as you would have expected if you read him regularly, was accusing the "Islamists." He wrote:
We birds have the pleasure to congratulate the humans of the United States on their new president, Barack Obama. At last after eight years, during which the United States lost all its moral authority and credibility, the United States has acquired a president that can restore the greatness of the United States.
ISTANBUL - One may think Christmas customs all around the world are, if not the same, then at least similar to each other. Each country, however, adds its own elements to the universal traditions. In the case of Poland, it is Christmas Eve that is significant. It’s not a holiday in a strict sense, but for many it is the most important day in the whole year.
ISTANBUL - A normal day for Andrea Mugge may be challenging and full of unforeseen events. “In the hotel business, flexibility is the most important motto every day. I enjoy that aspect very much. Despite all planning, however, a lot of unforeseen and interesting things can happen,” she says.
Prime Minister Erdogan is just furious with everyone. With the President, with the opposition, with the justice system, with the press, with labor unions, with civil society organizations, with universities, and with those who would defend the secular governmental system.....
Müzik dünyasının en saygın ödüllerinden biri olan Grammy'lerde geri sayım başladı. Uzun bir süre sonra müzik dünyasına dönüş yaptığı The Emancipation of Mimi ile yılın albümü de dahil toplam 8 dalda aday gösterilen Mariah Carey ödüle damgasını vuracak gibi görünüyor. İşte belli başlı dallarda Grammy adayları: