Dijital oyun tutkunlarının vazgeçemediği oyunlardan biri olan Call of Duty’nin Modern Warfare serisinin yeni oyunu yakında oyuncularla buluşacak. Buraya kadar, ‘E, ne var bunda?’ diyebilirsiniz ama oyunseverlerin oyunun erken erişime açılan bölümünden paylaştığı görüntüler dünya basını ve sosyal medyada gündem oldu. Çünkü oyunun Amsterdam’da geçen bir bölümünden yansıyan o görüntüler, ‘gerçek’ hayattan bile gerçek. Çöp yığınları dahil oyundaki her şeyin fotogrametri tekniği ile daha gerçekçi görünmesi sağlanmış. Elbette bu, oyunseverler için iyi bir haber ancak ‘taklit edilen gerçek’, zamanla ‘gerçek gerçeğin’ yerini alır mı? Dijital oyunlar, çocukları ve gençleri gerçek hayattan ve gerçeklik algısından koparır mı? Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Yeni Medya ve İletişim Bölüm Başkanı Doç. Dr. Sefer Darıcı ile konuştum.
#Dijital OyunBAGHDAD - Iraq's prime minister said that the full withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from cities and towns was a message that his country was ready to take over its own security, even as he appealed for national unity after a week of attacks left more than 250 people dead.
Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ was in front of news people. The top general was clear in describing an alleged "military plan," said to be aimed to stop the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, and the Islamist Fethullah Gülen brotherhood organization, as a "piece of paper" which was not prepared in the military headquarters or by an officer and which has no legal validity what so ever.
What is expected from Turkey’s chief negotiator Egemen Bağış is to give impetus to European Union accession talks, not to spend his energy making statements that are not contributing to the technical process. He was picked for this job in order to force the bureaucracy to act more quickly and to eliminate obstacles in the reform process.
The European Union has been waiting since Jan. 19, 2007, for Turkey to meet opening benchmarks of the Social Policy and Employment chapter, the 19th chapter of the Union’s acquis communautaire. Among these benchmarks, the most critical are the removal of thresholds before collective bargaining agreements, or CBAs, and the right to establish trade unions in the public sector. Benchmarks are nothing new.