Oscar ödüllü oyuncu Kate Winslet, “The Regime” adlı dizide kurgusal bir ülkenin başındaki kadın diktatör Elena’ya hayat veriyor. Tuhaf, itici, pervasız bir kadın lideri canlandıran ünlü yıldız, ilk defa komediyle izleyici karşısına çıkarak ters köşe yapıyor. Kelebek okurları için yeni dizisini anlatan Winslet, “Her şeyi berbat etmekten çok ama çok korkuyordum. Korkunçtu. Oyuncular genel olarak korkma eğilimindedir. Ve işin aslı bu konu hakkında konuşamıyoruz. ‘Aman Tanrım, korkuyorum!’ diyemiyoruz” itirafında bulundu.
#Kate WinsletABD'den gelen bir son dakika haberi gündeme bomba gibi düştü. ABD'de yaşayan İranlı muhalif gazeteci ve yazar Masih Alinejad'ı kaçırmak için sinsice bir plan hazırlayan istihbarat yetkililerinin planı ifşa olunca ortalık tam anlamıyla karıştı.
#İranÇok basit bir metin analizi... Dün Başbakan Erdoğan ve Başkan Obama’nın yaptıkları telefon görüşmesini iki tarafın nasıl sunduğunu gösteren açıklamaları karşılaştıracağız. Ve ABD ile Türkiye’nin hem Suriye hem de Gezi protestoları konusunda yaşadıkları anlaşmazlıkları kelimelerin arasından söküp çıkaracağız.
The "Iran dossier" is not closed. Protests shaking the fundamentals of the oppression regime are on hold, for now. The Iranian Constitutional Court, half of its 12 members were appointed by Ayatollah Khamenei, ruled the recount of 10 percent of total votes cast. And the June 12 election results were approved once again. The case is closed but not the "Iran dossier".
STOCKHOLM - The European Union on Thursday was considering Britain's request to pull the bloc's ambassadors from Iran, an extraordinary move that would send a powerful signal of EU unity in the wake of Tehran's postelection crackdown. The issue was expected to be given high priority in a two-day meeting of EU foreign policy directors in Stockholm as Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review went to press Thursday afternoon.
Mass demonstrations in Iran protesting the election results have found a very receptive audience in Europe. European governments have said that the Iranian mullahs have stolen the elections, and voiced strong support for the demonstrators. In contrast, in the U.S, President Obama has been low key on Iran, only gradually increasing his support for the demonstrators. The demonstrations in Iran, the most significant political event in that country since the 1979 Islamist revolution, herald important repercussions for Mr. Obama’s policies.
Iran has not found peace since the presidential elections. Over time, the opposition movement will calm down and the Iranian Revolution will continue its path. However, nothing will ever be the same. What is happening in Iran reflects discontent within the regime rather than a counter-revolution.
While a reference in a national charter stating the religion of a people might not be a stringent violation of the secularism principle, though it does not conform well with it, the inclusion of a "No law can compromise the principles of Islam" article in the national charter of a country, would not make a country a "theocratic democracy," but would definitely convert it into something much different than a democracy.
TEHRAN - Iranian police attack hundreds of protesters with tear gas and fire live bullets in the air to disperse a rally in Tehran. Fresh violence comes after the country’s most powerful security force threatens to crush any further protests over the disputed vote, warning a ’revolutionary’ response
At its 20th anniversary, this year’s Halki International Seminar, which provides brainstorming exercises for officials, academics and journalists amid a not so stormy, on the contrary pleasant, atmosphere of a small island in the Aegean, took place shortly after the elections in Iran.
ADANA - As the Golden Boll International Film Festival continues apace in the southern city of Adana, the best films in each section are coming to the forefront. One of the most anxiously awaited films among the National Feature Films Competition is ’On the Way to School.’ An animated film was also among the most liked films in the festival.