İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (İTÜ) Robotik Arama Kurtarma Takımı (Rake), jürisi Almanya ordusundan ve NATO üyelerinden oluşan The European Land Robot Trial Yarışması’na katılan ilk Türk takımı oldu. Takım yarışmadaki aracı ‘Umay’ ile fark yaratarak, jüriden ve ziyaretçilerden tam not aldı.
#Umayİstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nin (İTÜ) robotik arama kurtarma takımı (Rake), jürisi Almanya ordusundan ve NATO üyelerinden oluşan The European Land Robot Trial Yarışması’na katılmaya hak kazanan ilk Türk takımı oldu. Takım, tasarladığı ‘Umay’ isimli otonom araçla insan bedeninin zarar görmeden güvenli bölgeye ulaştırılmasını sağlayacak.
#İstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiDünya 7 kıtadan oluşur. Avrupa, Asya, Afrika, Kuzey Amerika, Güney Amerika, Okyanusya ve Antartika kıtalarında toplam 206 ülke bulunuyor. Her kıtanın ve ülkenin İngilizce karşılığı farklıdır. 4. sınıflar için ''2.Ünite Nationality - Millet'' konusunu detaylarıyla anlattık.
#4. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Ünite Nationality - Millet Konu AnlatımıThe suggestion of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, or CHP, for the annulment of the Provisional Article 15 of the 1982 Constitution providing an efficient judicial immunity for the leaders of the 1980 coup, as well as members of the government and the Consultative Assembly that served during the coup period would perhaps serve no meaningful purpose if the ruling Justice and Development Party, or the AKP, parliamentary majority help to legislate it. Kenan Evren and his "comrades in coup" could not be brought in front of court even if the Provisional Article 15 was annulled.
ISTANBUL - Grand Vizier Ali Paşa is known to have called Ahmet Vefik Paşa a 'living library' and someone who would have made a good grand vizier under Sultan Süleyman. Ahmet Vefik Paşa is remembered more for his interest and contribution to the arts than his work as a politician and sultan’s grand vizier
"Friends go to lunch together," a Washington neo-con said resentfully a few years ago. "And allies go to war together." The man was still bitter, more than two years after the fact, about the Turkish Parliament’s refusal to allow for a northern American front against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in March 2003.
MORONI, Comoros - A Yemeni teenage girl clings to debris, barely able to swim, after being thrown from the Yemeni jet that crashed into the Indian Ocean, officials say, hailing the only survivor from the grave disaster. As a desperate hunt for other survivors of the crash resumes, one of the plane's black boxes is found, French officials say
It’s an old story: an untrammeled region known only to a handful of fishermen is "discovered." In a matter of one or two decades, all the virtues are ravaged by those attracted to them. Spain’s Mallorca is perhaps the best example of this cycle of destruction. Italy’s island of Capri is another
FETHİYE - Kumluova, a small municipality on the main road between Fethiye and Kalkan, appears to have taken over the regional lead in tomato production. A festival is held in town celebrating the tomato crop, hoping to raise money for the unfinished building of a school.
WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says in a press conference that the process between Turkey and Armenia aiming to normalize their ties continues positively. Although there have been no concrete steps taken by either state since late April, Clinton says Washington strongly supports the process including a road map.
"Kulak’tan kulağa," literally "from ear to ear," is a popular game among Turkish children, one with equivalents in many cultures. It involves 20 or so youngsters sitting in a row. The first one utters a phrase to his neighbor, and ear to ear the sentence passes down the line. Invariably, "Ahmet wears red shorts" becomes something like, "Ahmet is short and red" by the time the message reaches the end of the line.
With the start of debates over the landmines along the Syrian border, we have learned what a "minefield" Turkey is. They are not in the land but also in minds, too. Clearing landmines is a difficult task, but I am afraid eliminating mines in the mind will take time enough to bury us all.