Fenerbahçe Şükrü Saracoğlu Spor Kompleksi Ülker Stadı, Avrupa’nın en seçkin futbol lokasyonlarından biri olacak. F.Bahçe Ülker Stadyumu Şükrü Saraçoğlu Spor Kompleksi, büyük bölümü iki ay içinde tamamlanacak dev modernizasyon çalışmalarıyla yepyeni çehreye bürünecek. Avrupa’nın en modern ışık sistemi ve kusursuz akustiğin sağlanacağı son teknolojiyle donanmış ses düzeniyle Ülker Stadı, Avrupa’nın en seçkin futbol mekanlarından biri olacak.
#FenerbahçeRusya ve Ukrayna arasındaki savaş 54’üncü gününe girerken Batı dünyasının Rusya’yı ekonomik olarak kıstırıp savaştan vazgeçirme çabası da sürüyor. İngiltere de Rusya’ya yaptırım uygulayan ülkelerin başında geliyor. Ancak İngiliz basınına yansıyan bazı belgelere göre birçok şirket Rusya ile iş yapmaya ve Putin’in savaşına para sağlamaya devam ediyor…
#RUSYAAydınlatma ürünleriyle bilinen Signify, ABD'de bulunan Boston Üniversitesi'ndeki Ulusal Yeni Görülen Bulaşıcı Hastalıklar Laboratuvarları’yla birlikte Signify'ın UV-C ışık kaynaklarının COVID-19'a neden olan SARS-CoV-2 virüsünü etkisiz hale getirmede önemli bir yol kat ettiği iddiasında.
#SignifyAcer, 15-17 Şubat 2019 tarihleri arasında Bangkok Ulusal Stadyumu Nimibutr Spor Salonu’nda ikinci Asya Pasifik Predator Ligi finallerine ev sahipliği yapacak. Asya Pasifik bölgesindeki; Malezya, Singapur, Hong Kong, Makau, Filipinler, Tayland, Vietnam, Endonezya, Hindistan, Kore, Tayvan, Japonya, Sri Lanka, Moğolistan, Myanmar ve Avustralya’dan katılan 3530 takım arasından, 5 aylık mücadele sonunda kalan 26 e-spor takımı finallerde yarışacak. Finalist e-spor takımları büyük finalde toplam 8 milyon Baht (250.000 ABD doları) değerindeki ödül havuzu için mücadele edecek.
#PubgISTANBUL - Just days before getting in their cars to break speed limits at the IstanbulPark circuit, Formula One drivers will show their football skills at the Ali Sami Yen Stadium. The Formula All Stars team takes on Turkish players and celebrities for a charity game tonight
ISTANBUL - One of the two major holidays celebrated by Christians falls this Sunday, April 12, though members of the Greek Orthodox Church commemorate Easter, which marks the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection from the dead - the cornerstone of the Christian faith, one week later. The date for Easter celebrations do not occur on the same date every year because it is based on the lunar calendar. The arrival of Easter also marks the end of the 40-day period of Lent, when Christians give up a vice.
ISTANBUL - Turkey is central to the future development of the European Union, said a recent report by the Foreign Policy Center, or FPC. The report, "Turkey in Europe: The Economic Case for Turkish Membership of the EU," included several articles from prominent politicians and academics, such as European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn; Adam Hug, policy director at the FPC.
ISTANBUL - Turkey is central to the future development of the European Union, said a recent report by the Foreign Policy Center, or FPC. The report, "Turkey in Europe: The Economic Case for Turkish Membership of the EU," included several articles from prominent politicians and academics, such as European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn; Adam Hug, policy director at the FPC.
ISTANBUL - As the United States faces severe financial difficulties with the highest unemployment level of the last 14 years, President-elect Barack Obama calls for the urgent implementation of rescue plan for the middle class which will create jobs and provide relief to families in his first weekly radio address.
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said on Wednesday he did not wish to signify any preference for any of the three candidates competing for the two vacant seats in the U.N. Security Council. Turkey, Austria and Iceland are all eminently qualified, he said.
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said on Wednesday he did not wish to signify any preference for any of the three candidates competing for the two vacant seats in the U.N. Security Council. Turkey, Austria and Iceland are all eminently qualified, he said.
Store windows and shutters have come rolling down across Diyarbakir, as merchants protest the bombing that killed 10 citizens Tuesday evening in front of city park. In addition to this economic form of protest, municipality buildings are flying white and black flags to signal their distress over the explosion, which took the lives of at least 6 children. A call has risen up from Diyarbakir residents for the local and national security and police forces to discover as soon as possible who and what was responsible for the blast.