Akdeniz'in derinlerinde bulunan yüzlerce çember ilk keşfedildiğinde, bilim insanlarının bile nutku tutuldu. Birbiri adına ortaya atılan teoriler ve 4 yıl boyunca devam eden su altı araştırmaları, bu çemberlerin 'kayıp bir dünyaya' ait olduğunu ortaya koydu.
#SeyahatYıl 2003. Irak Savaşı’nın en hareketli günleri... Bağdat’ın düştüğü, Amerikalı askerlerin Bağdat’ı işgal etmeye başladıkları günler yaşanıyor. Amerikan bombalarından biri Bağdat Hayvanat Bahçesi’ne düşüyor. Bu olay New York Üniversitesi’nde yüksek öğrenimini görmekte olan Rajiv Joseph’i o kadar etkiliyor ki, genç yazar hemen Bağdat Hayvanat Bahçesi’nde geçen bir oyun yazmaya başlıyor.
The Abant Platform, which holds frequent conferences at which Turkish intellectuals convene to discuss timely issues, was in northern Iraq last week. I was among the nearly one hundred names that were supposed to fly from Istanbul to Arbil for this significant meeting, but a last minute change of plans destined me rather to Washington. Yet I have been carefully reading what Abant participants have been writing about their experience in Iraqi Kurdistan Ñ a country whose very name is a big bone of contention in Turkey.
Although interrupted by Israel’s Gaza offensive and the latest shocking arrests in the Ergenekon crime gang case, the study, titled "Being Different in Turkey: Those who are made to be like others based on religion and conservatism", conducted by Professor Binnaz Toprak, still occupies the agenda and is still being discussed.
ISTANBUL - Aiming to increase competitiveness in Turkey's private sector, the leading organizations of Turkey's business circles plan to establish "Regional Innovation Centers" in Turkey’s seven different regions. The centers are planned to act as sector-focused innovation interfaces.
ISTANBUL - This Saturday and Sunday in the bustling center of Istanbul, Koç University is organizing a conference on gender studies in Turkey: ’Inequalities, Struggles and Advances’. Conference organizers have invited 37 experts working on women’s issues to raise awareness about gender inequalities and form a closer network among them.
ISTANBUL - This Saturday and Sunday in the bustling center of Istanbul, Ko? University is organizing a conference on gender studies in Turkey: 'Inequalities, Struggles and Advances'. Conference organizers have invited 37 experts working on women's issues to raise awareness about gender inequalities and form a closer network among them.