Economist Impact’in yayınladığı dünyanın ilk Sağlık Kapsayıcılık Endeksi, ülkelerin sağlık okuryazarlığından erişilebilirliğe kadar birçok konuda karnesini ortaya koydu. Haleon’un desteğiyle hazırlanan ve 40 ülkenin yer aldığı endekste Türkiye’nin genel notu ‘orta’ oldu. Tüm dünyada 170 milyar poundluk büyüklüğe sahip tüketici sağlığı alanında Türkiye’nin gitmesi gereken uzun bir yol var.
#Sponsorlu İçerikEconomist Impact’in yayınladığı dünyanın ilk Sağlık Kapsayıcılık Endeksi, ülkelerin sağlık okuryazarlığından erişilebilirliğe kadar birçok konuda karnesini ortaya koydu. Haleon’un desteğiyle hazırlanan ve 40 ülkenin yer aldığı endekste Türkiye’nin genel notu ‘orta’ oldu. Tüm dünyada 170 milyar poundluk büyüklüğe sahip tüketici sağlığı alanında Türkiye’nin gitmesi gereken uzun bir yol var.
#Economist ImpactFidye yazılım saldırıları son dönemde hızla yaygınlaşan bir siber suç. Şirketleri, hastaneleri, okulları, devlet kurumlarını hatta boru hatlarını bile felç eden bu saldırılardan kurtulmanın tek yolu fidyeyi ödemek gibi görünüyor ama değil. Ödeyecek gücü olmayan ya da korsanlara para kaptırmak istemeyenlerin yardımına koşan bir tim var. Peki kim bunlar?
#Fidye YazılımıISTANBUL - With her trailblazing company run by women for women, Bedriye Hülya was named one of the most successful entrepreneurs by the New York-based group Endeavor in May. Going from 0 to 60 franchises across Turkey in three years, B-fit fitness chain’s 20,000 members have lost 10 tons.
ISTANBUL - With her trailblazing company run by women for women, Bedriye Hülya was named one of the most successful entrepreneurs by the New York-based group Endeavor in May. Going from 0 to 60 franchises across Turkey in three years, B-fit fitness chain’s 20,000 members have lost 10 tons.
ISTANBUL - Istanbul tenth grader Sid Shekhar wraps up a global leadership week at Harvard University where he is taking a yearlong project to the next level: He hopes to contribute to a movement to abolish the caste system in India. If world citizenship is revealed through one's plans to help people who benefit the least from the globalization, then Shekhar is surely a leader among citizens.
LOS ANGELES - Imagine our surprise. Eddie Murphy's family comedy 'Imagine That' is based on a clever premise and it makes good use of Murphy's comic strengths - singing, dancing and creating myriad voices and personalities without letting him go overboard and get too obnoxious.
Yesterday, I wrote about a field study titled "Radicalism and Extremism Research" by Professor Yılmaz Esmer and shared my opinion on the results. According to the findings, Turkish people do not want neighbors who do not believe in God (75 percent), who drink (72 percent), who live out of wedlock (67 percent), who are Jews (64 percent), who are Christians (52 percent) and who are an American family (43 percent).
Some of us have written that with Barack Obama’s being the new president of the United States, we would live in peace and calm, and the world wouldn’t be the same old one. I, on the other side, claimed that only the waiter has changed in the U.S. administration kitchen, so to speak; but the appointed in the kitchen have remained unchanged. I also claimed Obama, as all other American presidents, would naturally act on to protect U.S. interests.
ISTANBUL - Competing at the Eurovision Song Contest since 1975, Turkey has brought up the rear with an operetta, taken the stage with a song dedicated to petrol during an oil crisis and won by singing in English. This year the voting system has been changed and the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review takes a closer look at this continent-wide event through interviews with former jury members, Turkish Radio and Television Association, or TRT, officials and diehard fans
ISTANBUL -Not enough interest and concern is being given to HIV in southeastern Europe, according to the director of The HIV Training and Resource Initiative, or HIVTRI. The disappointing turnout of three reporters from the Turkish media to the initiative’s press conference yesterday confirmed this.
DETROIT - If Washington accepts a plan crafted by General Motors, the auto giant may well be a government-owned company. GMalso plans to slash tens of thousands of jobs, close scores of plants and eliminate the Pontiac brand. GM chief executive says he is offering the US Treasury more than half of the company’s shares to absolve the firm of $10 billion in government loans