O kadar büyük bir afetle karşı karşıyayız ki üzerinden 1 ay geçmesine rağmen hâlâ pek çok ihtiyaç var. Biz de ekibimizle birlikte, burada, Sidney’de, elimizden gelen yardımları toplamaya devam ediyoruz. Bu ay sonunda Avustralya’nın önde gelen 10 şefiyle gelirinin tamamı UNICEF’e bağışlanmak üzere bir gece düzenliyoruz.
#DepremTürkler olarak çok uzun süre kahve kültürümüzde Türk kahvesinden başka bir seçeneğimiz olmadı. Ancak globalleşen dünyayla birlikte farklı kültürlerin de kahveleriyle tanıştık, tanıştıkça da damak tadımız gelişti. Bunun sonucu olarak İstanbul’un sokakları yeni nesil 3. dalga denilen, kahve çekirdeğini yerinden alıp kendisi kavurup anında servis eden dükkânlarla doldu. Çok da iyi oldu! İşte size bir kahvesini mutlaka içmeniz gereken o dükkânları toparladık.
#KahveGülfer Duran (34) gezgin bir blogger. Farklı kültürleri ve yaşam biçimlerini tanımayı kendine görev edinmiş bir seyahatsever. Gezilerinin dışında en büyük tutkusu kahve... Seyahate çıkmadan önce kahve içebileceği ortamların araştırmasını yapıyor ve yola koyuluyor. Bugüne kadar 31 ülke ve 60 şehirde kahvenin izini sürdü. Sıradaki rotasında ise Etiyopya ve Tanzanya var.
#KahveYeme-içme deyince, Nişantaşı havalı mekanlarıyla İstanbul'un vazgeçilmezlerinden! Sokaklara yayılan masalar, ara sokaklardaki kafeler, şıkır şıkır mekanlar sizi anında çembere alıyor, gün boyu menzilinden çıkarmıyor. Teşvikiye, Topağacı derken geniş bir alana yayılan semti turladık, ne var ne yok göz attık. Kahvaltıdan akşam yemeğine seçin, beğenin!
#Nişantaşı MekanlarISTANBUL - Turkish cuisine is one of the richest cuisines in the world. It owes this to the large geography of the Ottoman Empire and the different ethnic identities within it. Also, we live in a very lucky climate with four seasons and many delicious ingredients. Given all of this, there is so much to do and to improve.
PARIS - France is continuing with its preparations at full speed to host its Turkey Season as planned between July 1 and March 31, 2010, even though Erdoğan has signaled a possible cancellation. The nine-month-long event is set to introduce Turkey, in all facets, to the French people
ISTANBUL - Universit? del Caff, or UDC, to which 22,000 people from around the world have so far attended, has opened its 14th coffee education center worldwide in Istanbul. The center provides technical and practical education about coffee to all coffee lovers
Disinformation is often more widespread in Cyprus reporting than the actual news. This might be a product of the consolidated positions of the two sides on the island and their attempt to use tools of public diplomacy, headed by the media, to win either public support for the policies they pursue at the Cyprus talks process or to land the other side in some serious difficulties.
If you missed the final moments of the passionate exchange at Davos’ World Economic Forum between Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, Israeli President Peres and a moderator with the cultural sensitivity of a United Airlines stewardess… well, this one is already all over YouTube.
AYDIN - Gift shops attached to museums in 58 top tourism spots around the country are up for rent, the Culture and Tourism Ministry announced yesterday. The aim is to create uniform and quality gift shops at top tourist destinations, such as the Hagia Sofia, Topkapı Palace and Efes Open Air museums.
An interesting story caught my eye in Sunday’s Turkish press. The headline used a famous Turkish proverb: "In order to make our eyebrow, we pulled our eye out" which can be translated freely by using another well known Greek proverb: "with our own little hands, we pulled out our own little eyes". These two similar self-bashing proverbs could not be more accurate yet so comical if the story, which appeared yesterday, richly illustrated on the Sunday newspapers, is true.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, on an official visit to Turkey for the first time since the formation of Ehud Olmert's administration in March, was greeted by a series of important gestures on the part of Ankara yesterday. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul met with Livni in the newly renovated offices of the Foreign Ministry, using his offices there for the first time.
Criticised for being ‘crime production centres’, internet cafes will soon experience tighter regulations. The first thing that is being revised is the age of consent, currently set at 12 years, which is to go up to 18 years. If this change occurs, internet cafes will be placed in the same category as men-only coffee shops and licensed bars. AKP Istanbul MP Gülseren Topuz asked the Ministry of Education and the Interior Ministry to take action against internet cafes, where ‘such illegal activities varying from the women and drugs trade, to instructions on how to change the mechanism of a pretend gun in order to turn it into a firing gun’.