ABD kamuoyu geçtiğimiz Aralık ayının ortalarından beri 10 bölümlük bir belgeselle ilgili tartışmalarla çalkalanıyor. Steven Avery isimli bir hükümlünün hikayesini anlatan belgesel o kadar gürültü kopardı ki Beyaz Saray bile açıklama yapmak zorunda kaldı.
#Making A MurdererA horrible blood bath at a wedding party. It is not important where, when or by whom it happened. The important thing is to take immediate action after such a mass assassination in Turkey. No measures were taken beforehand. Politicians, for elections and votes, trying to tread through murky waters, didn't do anything to take action against such assassinations.
BALTIMORE - Even the old photos of a pallid, death-haunted Edgar Allan Poe burnish his image as a master of the macabre, a man who endured more than his share of misery and squalor and whose suffering fueled a body of work that reverberates throughout popular culture to this day.
ISTANBUL - The Nobel Prize winner playwright Harold Pinter was a vocal opponent of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, likening U.S. President George W. Bush's administration to the Nazis and calling former British Prime Minister Tony Blair a "mass murderer." He also criticized a former ban on the Kurdish language in Turkey after the 1980 military coup and wrote a play on the issue