Türkiye’nin önde gelen vakıf üniversitelerinden biri Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü çatısı altında uluslararası bir psikoloji yüksek lisans programı başlattı. Küresel hareketlilik, kapsayıcılık ve çeşitlilik psikolojisi konularına odaklanan ve kısaca ‘Global-MINDS’ olarak adlandırılan programa, lisansını psikoloji alanında tamamlayan öğrenciler başvurabilecek.
#Koç ÜniversitesiISTANBUL - In a year and a half, the online community Internations has attracted some 90,000 people in 230 countries. Through its local Web page, more than 800 people have already found each other in Istanbul. The group’s next gathering is this Thursday in Beyoğlu
Teknoloji günlük hayatımızın bir parçası oldu ve günümüzde okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının da teknolojik araçlara olan ilgilerinin giderek artıyor. Okul öncesi dönem çocukları teknolojik araç-gereçlere kolayca ulaşabildikleri bir çağda dünyaya geldiler. Neredeyse her evde bulunan teknolojik araçlar çocukların ilgisini çekiyor.
#Konuk YazarGenç yeteneklerin ödüllendirildiği yaratıcı fikir yarışması Battle Of Minds (BAT) son başvuru tarihini ve ödüllerini duyurdu. Birinci olan ekibin 50 bin pound, 2’nci ve 3’üncü olan ekiplerin ise 25 bin pound yatırım desteğiyle ödüllendirildiği yarışmada son kayıt tarihi 30 Haziran.
#Battle Of Minds“Bir gün bir geziye çıksanız ve sırayla farklı illerdeki köylere gitseniz ve oradaki yaşantıyı ele alsanız; yaşamların, doğası gereği tüketilen gıdaların, geçirilen bir günün yöreden yöreye değişiklik gösterdiğini göreceksiniz. Biz çeşitli yörelerdeki doğal yaşamı, başta o yöredeki gıdalarla evlerimize ulaştırıyoruz; ulaştırırken de günlük hayatlarındaki hikayeleri ürünlerle anlatıyoruz. Böylelikle, siparişlerinizde Size sadece bir gıda ulaşmış olmuyor, o gıdanın yöresine, hikayesine, yaşantısına da ulaşmış oluyorsunuz…”
#GirişimcilikKariyerinin büyük bir bölümünü öğretmen yetiştirme konusuna adamış eğitimci olarak farklı ülkelerdeki öğretmen eğitimi modellerini incelerken öğretmenlere kendilerini geliştirme fırsatlarını nasıl yaratabiliriz sorusu hep ilgi odağımda oldu. İsviçre Leysin Amerikan Okulu’nda uygulamaya koyduğum ve şu an dünyanın farklı okullarından ve üniversitelerin ilgi odağı olmaya başlayan ‘Öğretmen Araştırma Merkezi’nin amacı, geleneksel öğretmen eğitim anlayışımızda bir zihin dönüşümü yaratmaya çalışmak.
#ÖğretmenMOSCOW - While the US president ends his keynote visit to Moscow and arrives in Italy for the G-8 summit, his two-day meeting yields no stunning progress as the two ex-Cold War enemies remain at odds on various disputed issues. After the Russia trip, he joins fellow world leaders for the G-8 meet where the global crisis, climate change and world hunger top agenda.
With the start of debates over the landmines along the Syrian border, we have learned what a "minefield" Turkey is. They are not in the land but also in minds, too. Clearing landmines is a difficult task, but I am afraid eliminating mines in the mind will take time enough to bury us all.
U.S. President Barack Obama’s pre-election promise for change has galvanized public opinion around the world, including in Turkey. To what extent will he transform the United States domestically and revolutionize American foreign policy? And, what does Obama’s promise of change hold for Turkey?
PARIS -National libraries and the United Nations education agency put some of humanity's earliest written works online Tuesday, from ancient Chinese oracle bones to the first European map of the New World and rare photos from the Ottoman Empire. Some 1,200 documents have been chosen for the initial phase
ISTANBUL - The Futurist Association organizes its second summit. The summit that will take place at Istanbul’s İş Art Culture Center on June 25 is organized under the slogan ’Nanotechnology will come and everything will change.’ The aim of the futurists is to catch the latest technologies
As the financial crisis was making its way to the real sector in the U.S., economists were using the alphabet to debate how the recession would shape out: While "U", "V" and "W" were the popular letters, Roubini’s "L" won out at the end. In Turkey, we more or less know that inflation will also be an "L", but we cannot agree on where the corner will be turned.
ISTANBUL - The president of the creative children’s organization says science and technology play a big part in today’s world, and as the pioneers of the future it is important for youths to participate in projects similar to the Lego tournament to develop their creativity skills
Yesterday, I tried to present extensive excerpts from Soner Çağaptay, former U.S. ambassador to Turkey, Mark Parris, and Ian Lesser, a senior transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund who recently participated at a policy forum luncheon hosted in Washington by The Washington Institute and presented their much valuable perspectives about the drift towards conservatism in Turkey. Today, I will try to present the discussions of the three analysts regarding what should be the Obama administration's policy toward Turkey.
The Abant Platform, which holds frequent conferences at which Turkish intellectuals convene to discuss timely issues, was in northern Iraq last week. I was among the nearly one hundred names that were supposed to fly from Istanbul to Arbil for this significant meeting, but a last minute change of plans destined me rather to Washington. Yet I have been carefully reading what Abant participants have been writing about their experience in Iraqi Kurdistan Ñ a country whose very name is a big bone of contention in Turkey.
Australia is continuing an "arsonist hunt" after worst forest fires of the recent history of the largest island of the world. Since the fires are still continuing north of Melbourne while elsewhere they were just mostly taken under control, the exact toll is not yet clear. Putting the fires out completely, cooling off and establishing some sort of normalcy will take several more weeks according to Australian officials quoted by various agencies which reported as well that so far over 200 people perished in the fires, while some 80 people are still missing, at least 50 of them presumed dead. Unfortunately, besides the human loss, countless animals were killed in the disaster, which hit farming and forest regions to the north and east of the Victoria state capital of Melbourne.
WASHINGTON - The "War on Terror" is losing the war of words. The catchphrase burned into the American lexicon hours after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, is fading away, slowly if not deliberately being replaced by a new administration bent on repairing the U.S. image among Muslim nations.
ANKARA - According to Turkey’s Statistical Institute, a person requires YTL 720 to meet his basic needs. The minimum wage decided this week will be YTL 527 per month for 2009. The country’s 10 million minimum wage earners are used to surviving on very little. Despite the global financial crisis, they have YTL 24 extra to cope with the huge price increases