Warning on over-the-top expenditure

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Warning on over-the-top expenditure
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 11, 2009 00:00

BURSA - Consumers Union Chairman Nazım Kaya has urged everyone to keep the money in their pockets under control.

Due to the liquidity crunch generated by the global economic crisis, most people are in credit card debt up to their necks, he said. In times like these it is very important to learn how to save money as well as spend consciously, he said.

People tend to shop more on special days such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, he said and warned people not to turn these days into a shopping frenzy.

"Commercials and special campaigns etch it in people’s minds that these days cannot be celebrated without a gift. All efforts to create a consumer society take the lead in these days."

Around Mother’s Day in 2006, credit card purchases reached 356 million Turkish Liras, while that figure was 429 million liras in 2007. Last year’s credit card purchases were 528 million liras.
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