Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı, Türkiye'yi bir spor ülkesine dönüştürmek için önemli bir adım daha attı. Faces of Turkey (Türkiye’nin Spor Elçileri) projesi ile uluslararası platformlarda sahne alan sporcuların, ülkemizi en etkili şekilde temsil edecek elçiler olarak konumlandırılması amaçlanıyor.
#Gençlik Ve Spor BakanlığıHayata geçirdiği sosyal sorumluluk projeleriyle tanınan, “Yılın İyilik Akımı Öncüsü” ödüllü Emel Uslu Atik, Doğu Anadolu’da yaşayan kız çocuklarının Anıtkabir’i görme hayallerini gerçeğe dönüştürdü. Çocukları Anıtkabir’e götüren Atik, onlara başkentin tarihi ve turistik yerlerini de gezdirdi. Çocukların yaşadığı sevincin kendisine büyük mutluluk verdiğini söyleyen Atik, “Çocuklar bizim geleceğimiz ve onların mutluluğu bizim elimizde” dedi.
#İzmirİnternet üzerinden yayınlanan dünya mutfağı belgeseli The Perennial Plate'in 129'uncu bölümünde konu Türkiye'ydi. Türkiye'nin dört bir yanından birbirinden lezzetli yemeklerin tanıtıldığı program için bir de "Faces of Turkey" (Türkiye'nin Yüzleri) diye mini bir film çekildi. The Perennial Plate'in yapımcılarından Daniel Klein, Huffington Post'taki köşesinde mini filmi, "Bu yemek videosu sizi ağlatacak" başlığıyla tanıttı.
#TürkiyeSamsun’un Çarşamba ilçesi Kumköy İlkokulu’nda görev yaparken uluslararası bir vakıf tarafından 2014 yılında ’Dünyanın en iyi 50 öğretmeni’ arasında gösterilen ilk Türk öğretmen Dilek Livaneli, resmi konuşmacı olarak Avrupa Parlamentosu’na davet edildi.
#Dünyanın En İyi 50 ÖğretmeniRegarding Hasankeyf, one of the most magical places in the world, two joyous items of news reached us in the space of a few days. The first piece of news, this historic district located in Batman actually dates back 15,000 years. Until now we had thought 12,000, but we were wrong.
MARMARİS - A prominent artist in the resort town of Marmaris produces hand-made dolls that have gained worldwide renown. The dolls, each of which are produced individually and carry a unique ID card, attract great interest from overseas, especially Russia, the United States and the UK.
It can be perfectly argued by "nationalist" opponents of the reopening of the Greek Orthodox Halki (Heybeliada) Seminary on the island of Heybeliada that, since headed by the right to elect their own religious leader or mufti, Greece has been denying the religious rights of the Muslim and ethnic Turkish minority living in that country in violation of the Lausanne Treaty, there can be no obligation for Turkey to reopen the seminary within the framework of the rights provided to the Greek Orthodox minority of Istanbul.
İZMİR - Economic conditions and examples of foreigners renting out villas in Turkey are having a strong positive affect on Turkish villa owners, experts say. The villas once bought for investment purposes in Turkey are now ready for rent. Turkish villa owners are very quick to follow the trend with more and more Turkish people investing in rental villas.
A gorgeous woman and a man with gray in his temples clink glasses as the sun sets. She looks straight into his eyes and murmurs something soft, her eyes gleaming with unpronounced hints of promise. She looks across the Bosphorus, her suntanned shoulder gently touching that of the man.
Oftentimes, lecturing on Turkey to audiences across the United States, I find myself amiss, in need of a map to identify Turkey’s geographic location. In such cases, I resort to a virtual map, using my fingers to sketch Turkey’s surrounding regions: the Middle East, Europe, Black Sea, Mediterranean and Caucasus. However, this virtual map often further confuses my audience, leaving people wondering where Turkey really is.
In order to force French government to lift objections to EU membership, Turkey must tackle the misperception among French citizens. The French equate Turkey to the Maghreb. There is anxiety among the French that bringing Turkey into the EU would be akin to bringing the Maghreb, a poor area rife with violent Islamism, into communion with France
ISTANBUL - Vertical trade, which refers to different stages involved in the process of moving goods from the manufacturer to the consumer, is increasingly becoming dominant in global trade, economists at a conference in Istanbul say. They also point toward the rising danger of protectionism amid the global crisis.
ADANA - The Adana Golden Boll Film Festival continued with Honorary Awards ceremony Thursday night that recognized four notable names in Turkish cinema, director Ömer Lütfi Akad, actress Filiz Akın, actor Yusuf Sezgin and composer Cahit Berkay for their great contributions to film sector.
ISTANBUL - More than two years after Agos editor Hrant Dink was shot dead, a reporter stands trial for writing about the circumstances surrounding the murder. For his alleged crimes, he faces 28 years in prison, eight years more than what the murder suspect would serve if convicted.