Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya yönelik işgalinin üzerinden tam bir ay geçti. Rus ordusu ise hala büyük bir ilerleme kaydedebilmiş değil. Ukrayna, dünyanın en büyük ordularından birine karşı nasıl bu kadar dayanabildi? Sınırlı asker sayısı ve mühimmatla Rus ordusunu durdurmayı başaran Ukrayna güçleri bunu hangi askeri taktiklerle yaptı? Modernize edilen Rus ordusunun bu derece cansız görünmesinin nedenleri neler? İşte bütün ayrıntılar...
#Ukrayna-Rusya SavaşıNike, deneysel mücevher tasarımlarıyla yola çıkan, hazır giyim koleksiyonlarında kökleri Tokyo’ya uzanan, tasarımlarında tamamen özgür bir estetik yaratan mücevher tasarımcısı Yoon Ahn ile bir araya gelerek özel bir koleksiyon yarattı. Nike x AMBUSH koleksiyonu, günden geceye uzanan bir seçkiye odaklanıyor.
#AmbushBAŞBAKAN Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun başkanlığında dün yapılan güvenlik toplantısının bir ayağını sürpriz şekilde savunma sanayii konusu oluşturdu. Terör örgütü PKK’nın Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’da bombalı tuzaklarla yaptığı eylemlerde şehit sayısının artması üzerine, özellikle tekerlekli zırhlı araçların durumu değerlendirildi.
#PkkSteven Spielberg’ün yapımcılığını üstlendiği, komedi filmleriyle tandığımız Shawn Levy’nin yönettiği Çelik Yumruklar; aksiyonu, komediyi ve dramı dengeli bir şekilde harmanlıyor. Heyecanın dorukta olduğu boks maçları ve inişli çıkışlı bir baba oğul ilişkisine odaklanan filmin en önemli farkı perdedeki boksörlerin insan olmaması. Yakın bir gelecekte geçen filmde insanlar yerine robotlar dövüşüyor.
Obviously, it was a very difficult decision for President Abdullah Gül to make. Despite the hopes of opposition parties and skeptics who suspect the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, of harboring a secret agenda to gradually Islamize the administration of secular Turkey and who see the military as "custodian" of the modern republic, and of course the secularism principle, the president did not veto in whole or part the controversial legislation that allows officers to be tried in civilian courts and signed it into law.
Looking over his glasses and directly into my eyes, a bewildered European friend asked why people he believed would have been delighted with the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, dominated Parliament legislating a groundbreaking law allowing civilian courts to prosecute army officials were so angered with the development and why the National Security Council, or MGK, met almost eight hours on the issue. "Is it not good that staging a coup has become more difficult in Turkey? Is it not good that civilian courts now will have the power to prosecute military officers should they plot a coup?"
ANKARA - Terrorist attacks will not deter efforts of national security forces, the chief of General Staff says in defiant response to violent strikes across Turkey including the deaths of nine soldiers in Diyarbakır and a suicide bomber in Ankara. ’We should avoid pessimism. That’s what the perpetrators are hoping for,’ the general says
At a time when the Motherland’s mystical Erkenekon basket for everything in Turkey has turned into a shambles with a key testimony said to have constituted the backbone of the investigation and the court case "discovered," after it was kept for many years a "secret" in the safe of the National Intelligence, or MIT, to have been delivered under torture, the kinderland, or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, decided to join the bandwagon with an appeal to the Chief Prosecutor’s Ofice by Prime Minister Ferdi Sabit Soyer for opening an investigation into "Ergenekon deals" of founding President Rauf R. Denktaş and six-time former Prime Minister Dr. Derviş Eroğlu.
Letters are pouring in from supporters of the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, complaining that without concrete examples some "obsessed critics" like this writer were attacking the "ever-democratic" AKP government of the country and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
ANKARA - According to a lawyer, Tahir Elçi, it is more than 10 years now that no legal action has been initiated against military personnel believed to have been involved in alleged extra-judicial killings. The issue has come back on the country’s agenda since the Ergenekon case started
Atilla Olgac's gesticulating bravado on Kanal Turk last week about his capacity to shoot nine Greek Cypriots and one 19-year-old captive Greek Cypriot, overshadowed any other news in both Greece and Cyprus; even in Turkey, the reactions to such a performance made us momentarily switch our attention from another ongoing saga, that of Ergenekon.
Knock Knock Knock. It was neither the milkman, nor the postman knocking on the doors of dozens of people in what appeared to be a police operation launched simultaneously in six provinces, including the three biggest cities Ankara, Istanbul and İzmir as part of a country-wide investigation ordered by an Istanbul court into a purported plot to topple the Islamist-rooted Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government.