Sean Penn, Ukrayna Rus savaşının içerisine girip belgesel çekme kararı almasının ardından kamuoyunun gündemindeki oyuncular arasında yer aldı. Oyunculuk kariyerine ilaveten, yönetmenlik deneyimini de yaşayan Sean Penn, dünyaca ünlü şarkıcı Madonna'nın ise ilk eşidir. Peki, Sean Penn kimdir ve kaç yaşındadır? İşte, o isim hakkında bazı bilgiler
#Sean PennSean Penn, son günlerde kamuoyunun gündeminde yer alan oyuncular arasında yer aldı. Oyunculuk kariyerine ilaveten, yönetmenlik deneyimini de yaşayan Sean Penn, dünyaca ünlü şarkıcı Madonna'nın ise ilk eşidir. Peki, Sean Penn kimdir ve kaç yaşındadır? İşte, o isim hakkında bazı bilgiler
#Sean PennEditors, İngiltere’nin yeni dönem gitar rock’ını canlandıran isimlerden biri. Müziklerindeki derinlik, farklı denemeler yapmaları ve depresif tarafları onların en büyük artıları. Geçen yıllarda çıktıkları İstanbul’daki Rock’n Coke sahnesinin yine tozunu attırmalarına saatler kaldı. Grubun davulcusu Edward Lay ile konser öncesi konuştuk.
Bu Cuma akşamı 41. İstanbul Müzik Festivali kapsamında Ayşe Deniz Gökçin’in “Pink Floyd Listztified” konserine gittim. Kampüsün yaz akşamı halinden o kadar etkilendim ki, akademik kariyer hayallerini erteleyen biri olarak “acaba doktora mı yapsam” diye bir an aklımdan geçti.
BURSA - Tourism has become one of the main sectors in Turkey and every city wants its share of the pie. Launching a campaign titled ’To Bursa on the weekend,’ industry and trade center Bursa is to target local tourists who prefer to spend their weekends out of the city.
FARMINGDALE - Phil Mickelson isn't from New York, but for the next week, those strangers behind the ropes at Bethpage Black are his new best friends. Golf’s top player Tiger Woods is the favorite to win US Open, but the world's No. 2 player Mickelson is seen as the people’s favorite.
ISTANBUL - It is a common belief that women over 40 are no longer attractive and that, especially during and after menopause, their bodies and characters change for good. An expert and a columnist address this issue and come up with a totally opposite conclusion. It seems that prejudices about middle-aged women are changing positively. The period between 35 and 55 is the best time in a woman’s life, says one expert.
ISTANBUL - Discussions over what is tangent and what isn’t may heat up once again as negative economic data continues to roll in. Turkish exports dropped 39.97 percent to $7.35 billion in May compared to the same period in 2008, according to data released Monday by the Assembly of Turkish Exporters, or TİM.
VILNIUS - Visiting Lithuania’s capital Vilnius, members of Turkey’s Young Executives and Businessmen’s Association strengthen links with their counterparts, hoping to raise support for Turkey’s European Union bid. But the country is so badly affected from the global crisis that it is hard to believe Vilnius is selected the ’European Capital of Culture’ this year
ANTALYA - With 21,000 homes ready to sell, Antalya could attract more foreign buyers if some of the impediments are removed, the local Chamber of Commerce says, citing the global economic crisis, the downfall of the US mortgage system and the worldwide decrease in home prices
Every primary school in Turkey has been commanded since January to show students a propaganda film vilifying Armenians as murderers of Turks in the early 20th century. The army produced it and sent it to the Ministry of Education, which distributed the six-part "documentary" to schools last June. Last month, the ministry sent the schools letters requiring them to show the film to students "when convenient" and report on student reactions by March 2.
Being lost in daily events and especially the Ergenekon trial has prevented us from seeing the big picture. For example, I wasn’t able to share with you developments in Iraq. Last week Iraq’s foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, visited Ankara and interesting decisions were made. I also talked to experts following the subject closely. The situation has become clearer.