‘Louis Wain’in Renkli Dünyası’, resimleriyle önce İngiltere’de, sonra ABD’de ve nihayetinde tüm dünyada insanların kedilere bakışını değiştiren Louis Wain’in ilginç hayat hikâyesini anlatıyor. Will Sharpe imzalı yapımda, ressamı Benedict Cumberbatch canlandırıyor.
#Louis Wain’İn Renkli DünyasıKanada’nın British Columbia Eyaleti Katolik Başpiskoposluğu, kendi bünyesinde gerçekleştirdiği bir soruşturmanın sonuçlarını ilk kez açıklayarak, 1950 yılından bu yana 36 papazın 29 çocuğa cinsel istismarda bulunduğunu bildirdi.
#KanadaISTANBUL - The global financial meltdown has significantly reduced individual wealth as well as company values, a recent report shows. Turkey's rich also could not escape the crisis but the winners during the crisis were developing economies, according to the World Wealth Report.
ISTANBUL - Turkey is an ideal family holiday location. It offers a reliable climate, beach resorts, good quality accommodation, water sports and land-based activities, all at a lower cost compared to Western Europe. Figures report a 12 percent rise in overseas visitors.
ADANA-Adana is one of the most interesting cities as far as local elections are concerned because the outcome is open to surprises. It will also be a test case to see what comes first for voters: the candidate or the party. The city’s incumbent mayor is running for the fifth time at 71, this time on the MHP ticket
Billionaire Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., said on Saturday that the U.S. economy will be "in shambles" in 2009, and perhaps longer, before recovering from the reckless lending that caused the worst "freefall" he ever saw in the financial system.