Katar'ın başkenti Doha'daki WTA turnuvası Qatar Total Open 2020'de mücadele veren milli tenisçi Çağla Büyükakçay, Alman partneri Laura Siegemund ile eski dünya çiftler 1 numarası Sania Mirza ve eski dünya çiftler 2 numarası Coraline Garcia'yı 2-0 yenerek ikinci tura yükseldi.
#KatarThe "Iran dossier" is not closed. Protests shaking the fundamentals of the oppression regime are on hold, for now. The Iranian Constitutional Court, half of its 12 members were appointed by Ayatollah Khamenei, ruled the recount of 10 percent of total votes cast. And the June 12 election results were approved once again. The case is closed but not the "Iran dossier".
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, five Turkic nations became independent and Turkey postured to fill the power vacuum. Mostly, this backfired. Eager for independence, these new nations did not want to be patronized and Turkey was ill prepared to understand the power dynamics and social affinities in these countries. Moreover, domestic political and economic problems consumed Ankara throughout the 1990s, making Turkey a confusing partner to deal with. The country’s coalition government changed on a yearly basis, each with a different vision for the region: A Turkish nationalist party representative would travel with a pan-Turkic agenda while a member of Parliament from an Islamic party would advocate religious unity.