Popun kralı Michael Jackson ise ikonu da Prince'tir-nokta. Müzik dünyası dün gece ikonunu kaybetti. 57 yaşındaki Prince Roger Nelson'dan geriye dev bir miras kaldı. Arkasından ABD Başkanı Barack Obama'nın bile bir taziye mesajı yayınladığı Prince'le ilgili az bilinen 7 gerçeği derlediğimiz bu dosya da bizim saygı duruşumuz olsun.
#PrinceISTANBUL - It’s not everyday there’s a compact disc recording with a timeless quality about it that can be played many times with pleasure. Not only that, but clearly a great amount of research was invested in finding copies of the relevant music. All the tracks on the CD are marches composed for the Turks in the 19th and 20th centuries. Reşit Mehmet Erol is the man behind this idea of putting history onto a music recording.
SAMSUN - The Black Sea city of Samsun, where the founder of Turkey, Atatürk, landed on May 19, 1919 and started the War of Independence, now has its own opera and ballet stage. It is the sixth opera house in Turkey following those in Ankara, Istanbul, İzmir, Mersin and Antalya.
İZMİR - Known as the Turkish Quintet, Adnan Saygun, Ulvi Cemal Erkin, Ferit Alnar, Necip Kazim Akses and Cemal Reşit Rey are introduced to the world by Turkish piano virtuoso Hande Dalkılıç. She interprets their compositions in concert halls all over the world.