Perceptions dergisinde yayınlanan bir makale, Soğuk Savaş dönemindeki Türk-Sovyet ilişkileriyle ilgili çarpıcı detayları gözler önüne serdi. 18 sayfalık çalışmada Üçüncü Cumhurbaşkanı Celal Bayar ve dönemin SSCB Büyükelçisi Nikita Ryzhov arasındaki iki gizli görüşmeye de yer verildi.
#Celal BayarGebelik döneminde cinsel ilişkiye girilip girilmeyeceği sorusu, anne ve baba adaylarının en çok merak ettikleri konulardan birisidir. Peki gebelik sırasında cinsel ilişki yaşamak herhangi bir soruna neden olur mu? Cinsel ilişkide bulunmak bebeğe zarar verir mi?
#Hamilelikte SeksCumhurbaşkanlığı bünyesinde kurulan İletişim Başkanlığı görevine Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Altun atandı.Bu gelişmenin ardından vatandaşlar internette Fahrettin Altun kimdir sorusunun cevabını araştırmaya başladı. Peki Fahrettin Altun kimdir? İşte biyografisi ve detaylar
#Fahrettin Altun KimdirBugün dünyanın bir çok ülkesinde üniversitelerdeki öğretim programlarının ya tamamının ya da bazılarının eğitim dili İngilizce’dir. Dünyadaki globalleşmenin etkisi ile ülkemizde de 1950’li yıllardan başlayarak İngilizce eğitim veren yükseköğretim kurumlarının sayısı gittikçe arttı. Bu makalede İngilizce eğitim veren kurumların yaygınlaşması konusu irdelemeyeceğim, fakat, Türkçe eğitim veren üniversitelerdeki öğrencilerin İngilizce seviyeleri konusundaki değerlendirmelerimi, yorumlarımı ve önerilerimi de paylaşacağım.
#ÜniversiteISTANBUL - As part of the project titled, 'Improving the Perception of the Jewish Community in Turkey,' carried out by the Beyoğlu Jewish Rabbinate Foundation, a concert was organized Tuesday night at the Anadolu Kulübü on the largest of Istanbul's Prince's Islands.
ISTANBUL - ’Almanac Turkey 2006-2008: Security Sector and Democratic Oversight’ focuses on information about the security sector as a whole in Turkey and aims to accumulate information for civilian surveillance of the sector. Funded partially by the European Commission, the almanac includes an extensive scan of documents and legislation.
There are sharp differences between Christianity and Islam regarding the place of religion in society and state administration. In today’s Christian culture, excluding some small subversive groups, there is no challenge by the Church on the civilian state administration, and thus, the concept of secularism has a meaning no longer confined to a "separation of church and state" description but indeed has become an obligation by the state to respect the rights and liberties of all religious groups without discrimination.
ISTANBUL - A book written by journalist Kemal Göktaş delves into the bigger picture behind the assasination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in front of his office in Istanbul in 2007. Göktaş explores the role of the media in turning Dink into a target and how the state and judiciary also played their part in the incident leading to Dink’s murder
Whenever President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama delivers a moving speech to trigger expectations, one thinks afterwards: "What’s new and unknown in it?" When he addressed tens of thousands in the cold weather following the inauguration on Jan. 20 in front of the U.S. Congress, a similar thought had occurred.
ISTANBUL - The rise of the religious class and the AKP’s hold on power has Turkey’s traditional elites on the defensive and feeling like their role as upholders of Republican values is being usurped, according to research based on interviews with the former movers and shakers.
ISTANBUL - Turkey’s allies are confused by the shift in its foreign policy and its pronounced Eurasian and/or Middle Eastern bent, an independent Finnish research agency finds. Although some believe the country is turning its back on the West; others say Ankara’s foreign policy is well balanced in all directions, while yet others find Turkey’s conduct to be essentially ‘directionless’.
ISTANBUL - The results of a survey carried out by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation indicate that Turkish judges and prosecutors are making decisions in political and other cases that favor the state and state officials, undermining the rule of law while doing so
LONDON - Poverty and unemployment, not religious differences, are fueling Muslim tensions with the West, a report suggests. Non-Muslims have misunderstood the attitudes of most Muslims in the West, stifling attempts to promote understanding, the Gallup poll says. The global crisis may exacerbate integration with a race for the jobs, it adds
İZMİR - The massacre of 44 people seemingly by relatives is an anomaly even in a region dominated by the unwritten laws of tradition, decades-long blood feuds and a feudal social structure that victimizes women, according to a specialist on the region.
ANKARA - In a survey carried out to determine the attitudes of university students toward Armenians, it is found that for 44 percent of 3,095 students surveyed the word ’Armenian’ has negative connotations. However, the majority would prefer opportunities to interact more with them