Bugün herkes onu çok ünlü bir dizi ve sinema yıldızı olarak tanıyor... Onlarca yılını bu sektöre veren oyuncu, bugün artık saçlarına çoktan aklar düşmüş, evlenip çoluk çocuğa karışmış ve tabii ki belli bir yaşa gelmiş bir ünlü.. Oynadığı filmler ve diziler milyonlarca kişinin hafızasında çoktan yer etti.
#Downtown AbbeySabahın erken saatleri. Bir otobüs bilinmeyen bir yere doğru 7 asker taşımaktadır. Balkanlarda terk edilmiş bir çiftliğe varırlar. Kavurucu sıcağın altında beklemeye başlarlar. İçinde bir grup korkuyla bakan adamın olduğu otobüs yanlarına gelir. Bölük komutanı gelenlerin düşman olduğunu söyler. Askerler, az sonra harekete geçmek zorunda kalacaklarının farkındadırlar.
#HtvsanatISTANBUL - Amid concerns over a right-wing victory in Bulgarian elections, Bulgarian citizens of Turkish origin are encouraged to cast their votes for the Turkish minority Rights and Freedoms Party, or MRF. The elections’ outcome may become more critical this year, says a MRF official in Turkey
ISTANBUL - The movie titled ’Devrim Arabaları’ (Revolution cars) tells the story of 23 engineers who manufactured the first local car in Turkey 47 years ago and is an inspiration to young movie-goers. Director Tolga Örnek says the film’s characters offer unusual role models
ISTANBUL - The results of a survey carried out by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation indicate that Turkish judges and prosecutors are making decisions in political and other cases that favor the state and state officials, undermining the rule of law while doing so
ANKARA - Danish prime minister Rasmussen will participate in the meeting of the Alliance of Civilizations summit in Istanbul. Turkey objects to Rasmussen’s candidacy for next secretary-general of NATO due to his role in the cartoon crisis of 2006, sparking anger in the Muslim world.
ISTANBUL - With the opposition attacking the prime minister while ignoring issues important to ordinary Turks, a game show host rises to the challenge to inject a sense of value in the local election campaign. Erbil does not want to be a topic of politics but his complaints have changed it already
ADANA-Adana is one of the most interesting cities as far as local elections are concerned because the outcome is open to surprises. It will also be a test case to see what comes first for voters: the candidate or the party. The city’s incumbent mayor is running for the fifth time at 71, this time on the MHP ticket
DİDİM - A title deed scandal is putting British families at risk of losing their homes in Didim, an Aegean town home to 8,000 expats. The familes say they are just ordinary hard-working people that saved to purchase their holiday homes and that they won’t give up without a fight
ISTANBUL - An eerily familiar pattern emerges from reactive protectionism in the face of crisis. A panel of historians remember the Turkish-Greek population exchange of 1923, and the perceived need for demographic homogeneity which may have destroyed ’cosmopolitanism for good’
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan, which has tolerated the entry of Taliban in its tribal belt, is trying to find a middle way as Islamabad does not want to risk displeasing Washington, which tries to eliminate safe havens. This might conflict with the country’s own strategic interests, say experts.