Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı Mehmet Büyükekşi, 6 aylık görev süresi içerisindeki faaliyetlerine yönelik açıklamalar yaparken, yeni projelerle ilgili bilgiler verdi. Büyükekşi, merak edilen yabancı kuralı konusuna da değindi.
#Tff Başkanı Mehmet BüyükekşiANKARA - The political skirmish continues as Chief of General Staff Gen. Başbuğ returns fire for previous combative comments by Prime Minister Erdoğan that supposedly second-guessed the sincerity of the military’s internal investigation into the source of alleged plans to dismantle the ruling party. Başbuğ says anti-AKP plan is just ’a piece of paper’
WASHINGTON - Just over half of Americans say torture is at least sometimes justified to thwart terrorist attacks and are evenly divided over whether to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, according to a poll that underscored the challenges President Barack Obama faces in selling his terror-fighting policies.
You’re OK if you read my article yesterday. If not, I need to summarize. For, my article yesterday and today complement each other. Yesterday I wrote about the Turkish Armed Forces, or TSK’s, evaluation regarding the struggle with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.