İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü (Human Right Watch) darbe soruşturmalarında işkence ve kötü muamele yapıldığı iddialarıyla ilgili olarak hazırladığı raporda, Avrupa İşkenceyi Önleme Komitesi ve BM’ye acil çağrı yaparak, “Gözaltı merkezlerine tam erişim için ısrarcı olun” tavsiyesinde bulundu.
#Human Right WatchAmerikan ABC News kanalına verdiği röportajda kimseye ‘kanlı müdahale emri’ vermediğini söyleyen Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad’ı Suriyeli muhalifler yalanladı. Human Right Watch’ın hazırladığı rapor için ifade veren birçok Suriyeli firari asker, “Emir yukarıdan geldi” iddiasında bulundu.
Bugün Mısır’da ilk kez ABD’nin bastırmasıyla çok adaylı başkanlık seçimleri yapılıyor. Ancak dokuz adaya karşı yarışması beklenen Hüsnü Mübarek’in beşinci kez seçilmesi bekleniyor. Muhalefete göre seçimler, göz boyamaya yönelik bir ‘sirkten’ başka bir şey değil ya da ‘ikinci sınıf ucuz bir film’.
I decided to write this article after I listened to a speech by Halil İbrahim Akpınar, the governor of the district of Bolu, after I witnessed the positive reaction of Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arınç. But then such developments took place that the situation became tenser. The headline was supposed to end like this, "...isn’t it a little too much?" This sentence openly shows what is meant. Nevertheless, let me tell you about my purpose in a little more detail. Those of you who read my articles and books know my criticism of the Turkish Armed Forces, or TSK, very well.
ISTANBUL - The Futurist Association organizes its second summit. The summit that will take place at Istanbul’s İş Art Culture Center on June 25 is organized under the slogan ’Nanotechnology will come and everything will change.’ The aim of the futurists is to catch the latest technologies
ANKARA - State Minister Mehmet Aydın says a precedent has not been set with the launch of TRT 6 and broadcasting in other languages is not about to commence. He says individual assessments need to be made on the need for TV channels in other languages before making decisions.
Some of Turkey’s most repeated, biggest lies are the following: The slogan, "Leave yourself to the caring arms of justice;" the clich, "Trust the police who will take you under their wings and protect you;" and the most brilliant, "Justice will certainly find the truth and determine who is right and who is wrong."
A group of representatives of the nation discussed the budget of Justice Ministry at a parliamentary commission meeting recently. Justice is of course a very important concept. The Justice Ministry getting an appropriate allocation in the new budget was not at all something on which parties should have considerable differences. The discussions at the parliamentary commission, however, were reminiscent of the time when a coiffure-blonde prime minister declared from the parliamentary rostrum, "Those who die for the state and those who kill for the state are equally heroes to us."