Paylaşma Günü, tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de çeşitli etkinlikler ve kampanyalarla kutlanıyor. Bu yıl 3 Aralık’ta kutlanacak bu özel gün vesilesiyle sivil toplum kuruluşlarına yapılan kurumsal ve bireysel bağışların, gönüllülük çalışmalarının ve paylaşım kültürünün yaygınlaşması hedefleniyor. Konuya öncülük eden Türkiye Üçüncü Sektör Vakfı (TÜSEV) Genel Sekreteri Rana Kotan’la konuştuk.
#Rana KotanDünyada 70'ten fazla ülkenin kutladığı "Paylaşma Günü" bu yıl ilk kez Türkiye'de kutlanıyor. TÜSEV'in yürüttüğü kampanya kapsamında herkes maddi ya da manevi bir şeyler paylaşarak, yardımlaşmanın, bağışçılığın ve dayanışmanın önemini vurguluyor. TÜSEV Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Birce Altay, "İsterseniz yaşlı bir komşunuzun alışverişini yapın, ister bildiğiniz bir sivil toplum kuruluşuna destek verin ama bugün siz de bir şeyler paylaşın." diyor.
#GazetehaberleriISTANBUL - The International Istanbul Music Festival that ended Tuesday is a prime example of the multiple dimensions available for organizations targeting a specific audience. Guests, including pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim, have inspired dialogue on hot topics not related to music at all
ANKARA - The arrest early Wednesday of a Navy colonel is the most recent incident among many that have divided Turkey’s governing bodies and renewed tension between the AKP and the military. In the middle of it all is President Gül, whose next step might very well determine the future balance between the military and the civilian authorities
PESHAWAR - U.S. missile strikes killed dozens of people in a Pakistani tribal area controlled by Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, where the army is preparing an assault, officials said Wednesday. The attacks come as the United States prepares new orders for its troops in Afghanistan that will bar them from fighting with militants who are hiding among villagers. The orders aim to avoid any further civilian casualties.
Let’s have a balance sheet for booties-lost-damages in the aftermath of Turkey’s so-called "NATO victory." Turkey raised objections to Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s candidacy for the post of secretary-general of NATO on religious grounds rather than strategic liability.
U.S. President Barack Obama during his trip to Ankara gave strong messages implying that a new period of Turkish-American relations had begun. His discourse was quite different than that of former President George W. Bush. Not only for Turkey but also for all countries, Obama shared his worldview based on peace, reconciliation and dialogue, not military force.
ANKARA - U.S. President Barack Obama said Monday his views on the 1915 incidents remain unchanged but that he was encouraged by the ongoing dialogue between Turkey and Armenia. He also said Turkey and the U.S. can build a model partnership. (UPDATED)
ISTANBUL - For the first time in Turkish history top female vocalists assemble to perform on the same stage, some together, some in Kurdish Ğ all singing each other’s songs. Their cause is united behind a campaign against domestic violence in Turkey and a hotline that has had close to 12,000 callers in a year and a half, 2,500 of whom required emergency services.
JERUSALEM, Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party captured 27 seats in last month’s parliamentary election, forcing him to bring in partners to control a majority in the 120-seat parliament. He has until April 3 to put together a government. With the ultra-orthodox Shas Party on board, a total of 53 of legislators have agreed to enter the government's fold
LOS ANGELES - Well-known British actress Natasha Richardson, who was hospitalized in New York for suffering a severe brain injury after she fell on a beginners slope during a private ski lesson at the Mont Tremblant resort in Canada, died on Wednesday at age 45. Her death has reignited the debate among medical groups over helmets on ski slopes.
PARIS - After casting a long shadow for almost 40 years, former French President Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s shadow recedes in France with Paris’ decision to return to the heart of NATO and to improve ties with Washington. But recent moves spark fierce debate, as politicians across the spectrum accuse Nicolas Sarkozy of selling out French interests.
U.S. President Barack Obama will visit Turkey between April 6-7 to attend an annual forum of the Alliance of Civilizations in Istanbul, Spanish diplomatic sources said on Monday. Turkey’s president said Tuesday Obama's planned visit was very important. (UPDATED)