Targets of the next wave!

The self-proclaimed rabbi Tuncay Güney was talking on the telephone to a TV channel from Canada. He was suggesting that Hürriyet’s editor in chief, Ertuğrul Özkök, must be taken under detention and interrogated by the prosecutors in connection with the so-called "Ergenekon terror gang" probe, because it was he who first revealed to retired General Veli Küçük, one of the "bosses" of the "gang" that the man known as Mehmet Özbay was indeed the notorious underground leader Abdullah Çatlı, (who died in the Susurluk accident in 1996).

Haberin Devamı

As the entire Ergenekon probe was based on what he allegedly testified to police years ago, what Güney said might be an indication of what might be in store in the coming weeks and months, I was thinking when I came across with an interview in the "Taraf" newspaper with Mahmut Övür, a columnist of Sabah, one of the pro-government newspapers. Övür was hinting in the interview who might be taken in by the police in the next roundup of the Ergenekon saga. Övür, like many other columnists and journalists serving in the pro-government and Islamist media, has proved to be an important informant, some sort of a fortune teller, regarding who might be rounded up by police at orders of the Ergenekon case prosecutors. For example, just before the latest 10th round of detentions, ambushes on houses and offices, Övür wrote an article asking where former Istanbul Mayor Bedrettin Dalan was. Dalan was in the United States for the past two months and he escaped being detained, but now he is on the wanted list of the prosecutor. His son and some executives of the university of the foundation he established were interrogated but freed by the prosecutors.

In the interview with Taraf, Övür accepted that he knew or at least "estimated" that an operation was underway. He claimed that an in-between-the-lines read of the Ergenekon indictment would reveal that Dalan was a leading civilian leader of the Ergenekon gang. But, who would be in the list of names to be rounded up in the next wave of the Ergenekon probe? As Övür has an idea about all aspects of the trial and can indeed forecast what might be in the pipeline, what was his assessment?

Next target: Post 1993 politicians, media
As I would subscribe as well (not that I know anything but rather because the evolution of Ergenekon indicates so) Övür was of the idea that in the next wave of Ergenekon probe at the bulls-eye will be the politicians who served at important posts in the second half of the 1990s and early 2000s. Perhaps Övür was referring to those politicians who served in the country after Süleyman Demirel became president in 1993... Övür did not say whether there was a woman prime minister and her husband in that list of politicians, but no one would be surprised to see them in such a list as the Special Operations Department in the police was established at the orders of that female premier and the arms missing since then were claimed to have been "imported" with her permission from Israel.

Furthermore, Övür was saying that as part of that "imminent" wave of Ergenekon detentions, some people from the media would be rounded up as well. Övür was not giving a number of media people who might be rounded up in that "imminent" operation, but including a senior publisher some 100 people might be take in according to speculations in the pro-government media over the past week.As neither Fehmi Koru of Yeni Şafak or Şamil Tayyar of Star newspaper, the reliable fortune tellers regarding the Ergenekon probe developments, did not write yet about the new wave of Ergenekon detentions, perhaps there is still some time before the 11th wave of detentions get underway.

Former top commander might be targeted
But, Övür has an idea about even the 12th wave of Ergenekon. According to him, the 12th wave will as well be on the military or to put it more precisely will be against some retired generals. According to Övür including a former chief of general staff several generals might be taken in within that 12th wave.

Though the premier and his penslingers in the media are denying that Ergenekon probe is a revanchist campaign, apparently there is frustration among the political Islam cadres of the failure to see the commanders of the Feb. 28 process period were taken in and punished.

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