BRUSSELS -The new US strategy toward Afghanistan bolsters the current understanding of the situation among NATO member states and pleases Turkey, which has said since the beginning that security and stability in Afghanistan cannot be maintained through military measures only. The first signs of the new US strategy were seen at NATO summit
ANKARA - A bid to open the border between Turkey and Armenia faces strong opposition in Azerbaijan, with the country’s foreign minister saying Turkey would act against Azerbaijan's interests if it normalizes relations with Armenia before a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
NEW YORK - Clock ticks for Iran despite the US offer for talks, say diplomats, adding focus on improving relations is likely to have limits. As hopes grow for a moderate victory in Iranian election, many wonder how long Israel will wait before making a decision on whether to attack Iran’s nuclear site
ANKARA - Turkey and Armenia agree on the roadmap to establish diplomatic ties and open the shared border. The timing of the declaration of the agreement remains key for Ankara. The key question is whether to announce the agreement before, during or after President Obama's visit.
ISTANBUL - Turkey diverges from the Western bloc as it refuses to side with it on the deferral by the Security Council of the Sudanese president indictment. Of the 15 members of the council six say they will vote for deferral whereas seven, among them the US, say they will vote against it. Turkey is known to favor deferral despite requests from US
Turkish President Abdullah Gül was recently on a state visit to Tanzania. During official talks, his host, the president of Tanzania reminded him that Turkey will be participating to the G-20 summit that will take place in London next month. "We see Turkey as our representative. Be our voice in the summit," he told Gül.
There is big difference between Turkey and America in terms of political culture. Unlike his American counterpart, Turkish PM can simply wake up, read something in the paper, feel annoyed about it, and then comment on it directly to the media without much calculation.