Rusya'da 8 Ağustos'ta ülkenin kuzeyindeki Arkhangelsk Oblastında Beyaz Deniz kıyısındaki Nyonoksa Askeri Üssü'nde meydana gelen gizemli nükleer patlamayla ilgili ortaya çıkan detaylar, patlamanın resmi açıklamalarda öne sürüldüğü gibi bir "güdümlü füze kazası" değil, nükleer reaktör patlaması olabileceğine işaret ediyor.
#RusyaEvlerdeki güvenliği arttırmak artık çok kolay. Geliştirilen sensörlerle hem akıllı bir eve sahip olacaksınız, hem de talihsiz olayların yaşanmasının önüne geçeceksiniz. Yangın, su baskını, gaz kaçağı, kapı ve pencerelerin zorlanmasına yönelik sensörlerin kurulumu da oldukça basit.
#GazetehaberleriNEW YORK - Clock ticks for Iran despite the US offer for talks, say diplomats, adding focus on improving relations is likely to have limits. As hopes grow for a moderate victory in Iranian election, many wonder how long Israel will wait before making a decision on whether to attack Iran’s nuclear site
WASHINGTON - The predictable rise of right-wing parties in the Israeli vote puts the US President Barack Obama in a complicated position as he hopes to promote Middle East peace talks as well as have discourse with Iran in an environment of mutual respect, say experts
Israel said it completed a troop pullout from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Wednesday, starting its relationship with U.S. President Barack Obama by quitting Palestinian land devastated by its 22-day offensive. U.N. said it would investigate allegations that Israel may have used ammunition containing depleted uranium during the offensive. (UPDATED)
ISTANBUL - Director Çağatay Tosun takes his governor Faruk Yazıcı from his popular TV series onto the big screen in ’Vali’ (The Governor). Tosun’s debut feature chronicles the events leading to the suspicious death of the fictional governor, openly inspired by the late Recep Yazıcıoğlu
One of the most significant aspects of 2008 focused on efforts to renew peace talks aimed at finding solutions for many of the World’s decades-long disputes. At the same time however, we also bore witness to fresh conflicts erupting over some of these disputes. A number of significant changes in world leaderships also took place in 2008.