Güney Amerika gezegenimizdeki yaşamın ne kadar zengin olduğunu ve de olabileceğini gösteren bir müze gibi. Birçok ülkeyi ve bölgeyi görmüş biri olarak Ibera Milli Parkı’nda yaşadığım deneyimi rahatlıkla en üst sıralara koyabilirim. Bölgenin ikonik canlısı tabii ki jaguar. Kendiyle birlikte birçok türü ve elbette eşsiz Ibera Deltası’nı yeniden var etmiş. Yolunuz oralara düşerse yerel halkın arasına karışmayı ve köylerde vakit geçirmeyi de ihmal etmeyin.
#Güney Amerika12 milyondan fazla seyirciye ulaşan ‘Ayla’ ve ‘Müslüm’ filmlerinin yapımcısı Mustafa Uslu’nun kendi hikâyesi de film gibi… Tokat Zile’de 13 yaşında mahalle sinemasında afişçi olarak çalışmaya başlayan, bir dönem TSK’da subay olarak görev yapan Uslu’nun en büyük hayali ise Oscar almak. Ayla ile bu hedefine yaklaşan Uslu, yeni çekeceği ‘Bi Umut’la Oscar alabileceğini de belirtiyor.
#Gazetehaberleri“Homeland”in yaratıcılarının imzasını taşıyan yeni Ortadoğu dizisi “Tyrant”ın İsrail’deki çekimleri, Türkiye’ye alındı. İlk sezonun son iki bölümü için İstanbul’da kamera karşısına geçen başrol oyuncuları Adam Rayner ve Ashraf Barhom ile bu değişikliğin nedenlerini ve Ortadoğu’yu konuştuk.
Iraq faced mounting calls on Monday to release the journalist who hurled his shoes at George W. Bush, an action branded shameful by the government but hailed by many in the Arab world as an ideal parting gift to the unpopular U.S. president. (UPDATED)
Last week was a very busy week for the European Union and some Turkish diplomats attending the meetings in Brussels while Turkey and the rest of the Muslim world was on an extended Sacrifice holiday... Apart from discussing and adopting a decision offering Ireland a set of concessions -- including guarantees that Ireland could keep a permanent seat on the EU's executive body, the European Commission -- so it will hold a new referendum on the EU's stalled Lisbon Treaty, first the European foreign ministers and later the EU leaders bitterly criticized Turkey of slowing down its EU-oriented reform process and expressed disappointment over this.
The Turkish Prime Minister ruled out the claim that he would become a tyrant if his Justice and Development Party (AKP) is not closed in the case currently before the constitutional court, in an exclusive interview with Hurriyet daily's editor-in-chief, Ertugrul Ozkok published on Sunday. Erdogan also denied that the Ergenekon case was filed as revenge against closure case. (UPDATED)
Former dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is wearing a suit made by a Kurdish taylor from Istanbul, according to a report by the Scotsman. "Saddam was not known for his fair treatment of Kurds, exposing them to gassing and imprisonment. But Mr Cesur's skills with the scissors meant he was one Kurd who was always welcome in Saddam's palaces," read an article published on November 30. The tyrant it seems is turning out to be good publicity for Mr Recep Cesur. "It is incredible. He is proving to be fantastic publicity for me," Cesur told the Scotmans.
US President George W. Bush welcomed Mesud Barzani, leader of the Iraq Kurdistan Democratic Party (IKDP), into the White House yesterday as the "president of the Kurdish regional government." At a press conference following meetings in the Oval Office, Bush referred to Barzani, who was dressed in a symbolic Kurdish outfit, as "President."