1946 yılında Türkiye çok partili hayata geçtiğinden bu yana seçim süreçlerine hep kuşkuyla bakıldı. Seçimleri izleyen günlerde gazete sayfalarının bir bölümü; yakılan, çalıntı ve geçersiz oy iddialarıyla doldu taştı. Hem katılımcı demokrasi anlayışıyla bu iddiaların oluşmasını engellemek, hem de vatandaşlık bilincini geliştirmek için Sercan Çelebi ve arkadaşları tarafından Oy ve Ötesi isimli bir dernek kuruldu.
#Fark YaratanlarI’m not sure if you noticed. On Friday, Feb. 13, I touched on the subject that the Turkish Armed Forces, or TSK, have moved proactively against a campaign directed toward the TSK and the spreading of the image that some retired and active duty officers trying to wear out the political administration and create the impression of being involved in illegal operations in the name of the state. The TSK has begun extensive investigation to find the truth of the matters on its own.
The Turkish Armed Forces, or TSK, has been in distress for a long time now. In former years this distress could be felt but this distress has increased with what we have experienced since the AKP came to power. Especially the Ergenekon investigation and detention of retired generals in this frame have paved the way for a proliferation of distress. The TSK has been identified with the Deep State concept, which is accused of illegal deeds.
PARIS - The rise of globalization was accompanied by unregulated markets and a trust in ’the invisible hand,’but the crisis is changing everything. Both the United States and Western European countries are unveiling massive stimulus packages, based on state spending.
The worst step for the military to take at this point is probably to take on an attitude that might hinder the Ergenekon case. Because then it might seem as if the military wants to hide something. If an action starts in that direction then no one can prevent an erosion of prestige
Following years of liquidity flood, the global economy in 2008 faced a credit crunch that originated in developed countries and spread to emerging markets; the effects of which will surely have negative consequences going well into 2009.
Public procurement in this country has always been an indicator of power, a way of making people rich and a story of sheer corruption. The ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, is not an exception. Indeed, the government changed for the 13th time the Public Procurement Law (4734), dating back to 2002, since arriving to power. The latest amendment was enacted in the nick of the time just before the March 2009 local elections and the "By-law on Amending the Public Procurement Law," was endorsed by Parliament last week. With the latest change, principles enshrined in the 2002 law are once and for all discarded. Yet we are going back to the legal plundering system which had a big share in the 2001 economic crisis. Now eyes turn to President Abdullah Gül who has to endorse this dangerous bill.
World leaders assembled in Washington to grapple with the global financial crisis. There are conflicting ideas about how to deal with the problem, what reforms are needed and what should fall under global regulations. A look at the approaches advocated by various countries:
World leaders assembled in Washington to grapple with the global financial crisis. There are conflicting ideas about how to deal with the problem, what reforms are needed and what should fall under global regulations. A look at the approaches advocated by various countries: