Ülkelerindeki savaşlardan kaçıp Ukrayna’da kendilerine yeni bir hayat kurmaya çalışıyorlardı, kendilerini ateş hattında buldular. Ukrayna’dan çıktıktan sonra ne yapacaklarını bilmiyorlar... Zorluklarla kurmaya çalıştıkları yeni hayatları ‘başlarına yıkılan’ Yemenliler, Afganlar ve Suriyeliler anlatıyor…
#UkraynaRusya'nın 5 gün önce operasyon başlattığı Ukrayna'da adeta bir insanlık dramı yaşanırken, Rus işgalini değerlendiren Batı medyasının ırkçı söylemleri sosyal medyada infiale neden oldu. Irk ve uluslararası statü konusunda rahatsız edici bir tavır takınan muhabirler Ukrayna'yı Irak, Afganistan veya Suriye gibi diğer ülkelerden daha “uygar” olarak nitelendirip ülkenin savaşı hak etmediğini belirttiler.
#RUSYAMARDIN - The Mardin Film Festival that kicked off Monday in the southeastern city will be concluded tomorrow with a happy ending. The festival's organizers made a deal with Dox-Box International and Damascus International Film Festival to collaborate in 2010. But, they will need significant support from local governments and both states.
MARDİN - Award-winning writer Khaled Khalifa, director Ossama Mohammad and festival organizer Orwa Nyrabia arrived in Mardin at the weekend and brought 12 students from Syria with them to participate in the SineMardin International Film Festival that focuses on bringing together Arab cinema and Turkish audiences this year.
ISTANBUL - The draft bill on the de-mining project on the Syrian border is the last of the many wrong steps being taken for years, say experts. It would not solve the problem because it is based on the wrong formula. Mine companies will not find it economically beneficial while agricultural companies wil not show interest either, argue experts.
ISTANBUL - Multi Turkmall, constructer of six shopping malls in Turkey, has always been able to find loans for its investments. But not this time. All banks have denied the firm’s request for a loan to finance a shopping mall it is planning to build in Diyarbakır
DAMASCUS -After years of tight isolation, Syria is eager to turn the page on the policies of the past that made the country unreachable as it seeks to improve its ties with the West. While many welcome the new direction of an old regime enthusiastically, others are more cautious.
The thundering Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was a near thing for Israeli President Shimon Peres. I do not want to think about the possible consequences if the two had met privately in a room instead of a panel discussion venue. If I were an Israeli politician I would never meet with Mr Erdoğan in person without a few bodyguards around.
Hamas said on Sunday it would cease fire immediately along with other militant groups in the Gaza Strip and give Israel, which already declared a unilateral truce, a week to pull its troops out of the territory. U.S. President-elect Barack Obama welcomed Israel's ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. (UPDATED)