Kanadalı Twitch yayıncısı Felix “xQc” Lengyel, yaptığı son Twitch yayınında Luminosity Gaming’e içerik üreticisi olarak imza attığını açıkladı. Yayından sonra, Luminosity Gaming Twitter üzerinden bir reklam videosu paylaşarak resmi olarak imza attıklarını duyurdu.
#XqcISTANBUL - Foreign trade ministers and representatives of various countries are meeting with their counterparts in Istanbul. The Turkey-World Trade Bridge Conference 2009 aims to share the advantages of Turkey and its high production capacity and trade potential with participating businesspeople.
Some leaders are remembered for certain words they use. The late Professor Türkan Saylan, to whom we said farewell earlier this week, is remembered for "leper" and "girls’ education", one thinks of Brazilian President Lula da Silva upon hearing the words of "poverty" and "hunger".
ISTANBUL - When looking at the great balance of investment potential versus property prices, Turkey is among the best countries in Europe for property investment, according to the Property Abroad Web site, a successful overseas property portal in the United Kingdom.
AYDIN - As one of two female mayors elected in city centers all around the country Özlem Çerçioğlu says if there had been more female mayors, the cities would be much tidier, cleaner, planned and harmonic under their hands. Former deputy, current mayor of Aydın, Çerçioğlu is elected from CHP