Washington merkezli uluslararası mülteci hakları kuruluşunun raporuna göre Rusya ve destek verdiği Esad rejimi tarafından İdlib’e düzenlenen son saldırılar, Suriye içinde bugüne kadarki en büyük toplu göç dalgasına sebep oldu. Türkiye’ye İdlib’den on binlerce mültecinin daha gelebileceğine dikkat çekilen raporda, Batılı ülkeler İdlib için yardım fonu sağlamaya, Türkiye de Suriye’nin kuzeyinde ek mülteci kampları kurmaya çağrıldı.
#Refugees InternationalHÜRRİYET’in bugünkü “Savaşın En Büyük Göçü” manşeti, Uluslararası Mülteci Hakları Örgütü’nün (Refugees International) son raporuna dayanarak İdlib’de yaşanmakta olan insani felaketi bütün çarpıcılığıyla gözler önüne seriyor.
#Savaşın En Büyük GöçüDünyanın dört bir yanından 351 akademisyen ve üniversite yöneticisi, 'Barış İçin Akademisyenler İnisiyatifi’nin yayımladığı bildirinin ardından Türkiye'de yaşanan gelişmelere ilişkin kaygılarını ve Türk hükümetinden isteklerini bir açık mektup yazarak ifade etti.
#Barış İçin Akademisyenler İnisiyatifiDevelopments in China’s restive region of Xinjiang are causing a stir in Turkey, where pressure is mounting on the government of Prime Minister Erdoğan to do something about Beijing’s brutal suppression of the Uighurs; a close relative of the Turks who speak a language close to Turkish.
DAMASCUS - Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad voiced common concerns on Saturday about the policies of the new right-leaning Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, official media reported.
Judging from the generally positive reactions to his Cairo address, President Barrack Obama appears to have made a new beginning with the Muslims of the world Ğ at least for the time being. He has before a global audience demonstrated successfully his commitment to a new relationship with the Muslims based on dialogue, mutual respect and partnership.
ISTANBUL - The Amnesty International 2009 report proclaims a human rights crisis is striking the world but says when put together with the financial crisis these problems require global solutions based on international cooperation, human rights and the rule of law. In the report Turkey is criticized for breaching human rights with its political instability.
ISTANBUL - Foreigners staying in Turkey have to pay 306 Liras 30 Kurus inhabitancy charge every six months, regardless of their conditions. It is the same for both the British tourist in Didim and the Iraqi refugee in Van. There are people who cannot leave Turkey due to being unable to pay this amount.
ALANYA - Long gone are the days when Alanya did not have a single movie theater of its own. Now this tourist town in the Western city of Antalya has its own documentary film festival, where movie enthusiasts can see real-life stories from all over the world. The eighth Alanya Documentary Film Festival starts today and will continue until Saturday