Konya'da bir lunaparkta 'Power Surge' adlı eğlence aracında teknik nedenlerden dolayı arıza meydana geldi. Bu sırada araçta bulunan ve 5 metre yükseklikte asılı kalan 4 kişi, yarım saat süren kurtarma çalışmaları sonrası aşağıya indirildi.Olay, saat 21.45 sıralarında merkez Karatay ilçesi Adana Çevre Yolu üzerinde bulunan bir lunaparkta meydana geldi. İddiaya göre Power Surge adlı eğlence aracında henüz belirleneyen nedenle teknik bir arıza meydana geldi. Arıza esnasında araçta bulunan 4 kişi, 5 metre yükseklikte asılı kaldı. Lunapark görevlilerinin ihbarı üzerine olay yerine itfaiye ekipleri sevk edildi. Bu sırada teknisyenler, eğlence aracındaki arızayı gidermek için çalışma başlattı. Araçta mahsur kalan vatandaşların yakınları ise yerde tedirgin bir şekilde kurtarılmalarını bekledi. Yaklaşık yarım saat süren çalışmalar sonrası araç tamir edilerek, 4 kişi aşağıya indirildi. Kurtarıldıktan sonra gözyaşlarına hakim olamayan bir kızın, yakınlarına uzun süre sarılması dikkat çekti. Haber: Tolga YANIK KONYA, (DHA)
#KonyaOnly one day after the celebrations of London winning the 2012 Summer Olympics bid, the city of London has been turned into a scene of panic and despair as six explosions blasted through the London underground early Thursday morning. Services on the London Underground have been suspended following the six explosions that occurred along the Metropolitan line. The source of the blasts has not yet been clarified, although, some say that it may have been a power surge, while others report that a device was found at one of the sites. <br><img src=/images/fotoicon.gif border=0>  <a href="http://fotogaleri.hurriyetim.com.tr/GalleryMain.aspx?g=0O4WWccvc9e7QHpqMP61%2fsQ%2bH0CMmqW9RN3AmnXitO1TJdslxqzIgRlpY1a3RD83kwiXaoWRPn4hfzouGTywjg%3d%3d"class="hurhaberlink">In pictures </a>
ANKARA - Past legends of Turkish political life are in a bid to return to the scene, but their comebacks lead some to wonder why new faces are so rare. The head of a polling company says voters show their preference for new leaders in surveys, but many argue it is the existing system that favors single-man dominance and discourages youth participation
Many countries have "national sovereignty" celebrations in various forms. Some mark it as "constitution day," while some celebrate it as a "national day" marking the end of the occupation, or some as the start of their independence campaign. It is a very important term, of course, for those who can understand or who are aware of how painful the absence of national sovereignty might be.
The tormented capital of Afghanistan maybe among the prime considerations of the Americans or even the Turks; but it had never preoccupied seriously the minds or the politics of the Greeks except for occasional historic references to Alexander the Great's campaigns. Yet, as of last week, Kabul entered the jargon of Greek politics and dominated the political commentary showing signs that it is here to stay.
Turkey's Sabanci Holding - Austrian Verbund - Enerjisa had submitted the highest bid in the first power grid tender with an offer of $1.225 billion on Tuesday. Five companies and consortia bid for the grids. In a separate tender, Akcez consortium offered highest bid for Sakarya Electricity Distribution Corporation with $600 million. (UPDATED)