Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu (BDDK), Bankpozitif'in Pay Fix Elektronik Para ve Ödeme Hizmetleri AŞ mülkiyetinde bulunan yüzde 79 oranındaki hissesine ilişkin temettü dışındaki ortaklık haklarının, Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu (TMSF) tarafından kullanılmasına karar verildiğini bildirdi.
#Yasa Dışı Bahisİş dünyasının geleceğini şekillendiren dijital dönüşüm hikayeleri, Dijital.İZ’de mercek altına alınıyor. Hürriyet TV’de yayınlanan Dijital.İZ’in bugünkü konuğu Koçtaş CEO’su Alp Önder Özpamukçu ve itelligence Türkiye CEO’su Dr. Abdulbahri Danış oldu.
#TeknolojiMARDİN -More than five decades have passed since the building of a dam at Hasankeyf was first proposed and local residents are growing tired of their unending dilemma. Even though the situation only compounds the ancient area’s poverty, the residents refuse to give in to the government’s offers, instead calling for more support to fight off the impending flood.
I’ve been waiting not to write this article for days now. I’m waiting for prosecutors to take action and start an investigation in order to catch this man by his neck and refer him to court. Those who took people who apologized to Armenians into custody by referring to Article 301 and those who wish to punish people who sent a congratulatory messages in the Kurdish language É I am waiting for them to take action.
ISTANBUL - As Turkey walks a razor’s edge with the ’Love it or leave it’ slogan, there is a part of society both unloved and forced to leave their homes. Their political choices have widened from the AKP to the GP, Cem Uzan’s Young Party, but they share the same fate.