Almanya’da geçen yıl doktorların 3 bin 665 vakada hastaya yanlış tedavi uyguladığı tespit edildi. Federal Tıbbi Hizmet Kurumu tarafından yayımlanan 2021 yılı raporuna göre, klinikte veya muayenehanede yaklaşık 13 bin 50 şüpheli tedavi yöntemi belirlendi ancak tam olarak hata olup olmadığı ispatlanmadı. Bilinmeyen ve tespit edilemeyen hatalı tedavi sayısının ise çok daha yüksek olduğu tahmin ediliyor.
#Federal Tıbbi Hizmet Kurumuİngilizcede gelecek zaman cümlelerine Simple Future Tense denir. Bir eylemin gelecekte gerçekleşeceğini bildiren bu cümlelerde hem ''will'' hem de ''be going to'' yardımcı fiilleri kullanılır. Simple Future Tense cümlelerinde zaman zarfı olarak kullanılan kelimeler ise şu şekilde sıralanabilir: 1- Tomorrow – Yarın 2- Next Year - Önümüzdeki yıl 3- This Summer - Bu yaz 4- Next Week - Haftaya Will be going to yardımcı fiilinin olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerindeki kullanımını örneklerle derledik.
İstanbul’un dünya müzik başkentleriyle yarışacak bir seviyede olduğu artık çok net. Gerek her sene yazın düzenlenen büyük konser organizasyonları olsun, gerekse kışın konser mekânlarında kapalı gişe verilen konserler bu gerçeğin en büyük kanıtı. İstanbul, şimdi tüm dünyada moda olan yeni bir akıma daha ev sahipliği yapmak üzere hazırlanıyor.
ISTANBUL - Grand Vizier Ali Paşa is known to have called Ahmet Vefik Paşa a 'living library' and someone who would have made a good grand vizier under Sultan Süleyman. Ahmet Vefik Paşa is remembered more for his interest and contribution to the arts than his work as a politician and sultan’s grand vizier
STOCKHOLM - All EU countries with embassies in Honduras have decided to withdraw their ambassadors following the coup last weekend that ousted President Manuel Zelaya, Sweden's foreign minister said. Carl Bildt wrote on his blog Thursday that "all EU ambassadors have now left the country," reported the Associated Press.
I decided to write this article after I listened to a speech by Halil İbrahim Akpınar, the governor of the district of Bolu, after I witnessed the positive reaction of Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arınç. But then such developments took place that the situation became tenser. The headline was supposed to end like this, "...isn’t it a little too much?" This sentence openly shows what is meant. Nevertheless, let me tell you about my purpose in a little more detail. Those of you who read my articles and books know my criticism of the Turkish Armed Forces, or TSK, very well.
Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad is unquestionably the most famous case in American tort (which includes personal injury) law, at least as far as lawyers and law students are concerned. It deals with the related issues of proximate cause, the extent to which a person is liable for their negligence, and foreseeability, the significance of whether a person can foresee the consequences of their actions.
ISTANBUL - It’s not so long since wearing jeans was an issue of contention among the country’s religious circles. Today, resorts are catering to the faithful with single-sex discos, complete with DJs and drinks - albeit with a non-alcoholic twist. People identified as religious appear to be leaving the periphery and merging with society as a whole, but not necessarily at the cost of their values.
ISTANBUL - Turkish cuisine is one of the richest cuisines in the world. It owes this to the large geography of the Ottoman Empire and the different ethnic identities within it. Also, we live in a very lucky climate with four seasons and many delicious ingredients. Given all of this, there is so much to do and to improve.
ISTANBUL - Aslı Erdoğan is an author in the field of contemporary literature and whose book 'Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent' was released in Europe as part of the prestigious 'Marg Series' by Norwegian Gylendal Publishing House. She was sexually harrased at 10 years old and this was a turning point in her life. Her tales are based on her painful experiences and collected in her new book.
ISTANBUL - The Design Weekend, organized for the first time in Istanbul, kicks off today. Although the promotion and advertising for the event have been weak, participants are excited to display their pieces. The festival includes architecture and design offices, restaurants, shops and markets.
ADANA - The Adana Golden Boll Film Festival continued with Honorary Awards ceremony Thursday night that recognized four notable names in Turkish cinema, director Ömer Lütfi Akad, actress Filiz Akın, actor Yusuf Sezgin and composer Cahit Berkay for their great contributions to film sector.
ISTANBUL - İhsan Özkeş is not an unknown person. He sprang to national attention recently when he conducted the funeral service of the late Türkan Saylan who led the fight against leprosy in Turkey and provided tens of thousands of liras in scholarships for young students around the country.
With the controversial "landmine bill" coming back to Parliament after being temporarily withdrawn last Friday by the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government, the debate over the "historic apology" by the Turkish prime minister toward Turkey’s minorities looks as if it will continue.
SIVAS - Sivas, a small city in Central Anatolia, is polishing its image with the success of the local football club in this year’s Turkish Super League. Whether or not Sivasspor hoists the cup this weekend, many say Sivas can still claim victory for shedding its nationalistic reputation and giving people a reason to talk about the city other than the 1993 Madımak massacre
ISTANBUL-Breyten Breytenbach, a man who says he can peacefully 'sleep next to words,' was among the guests at this year’s International Istanbul Poetry Festival. A compelling figure not only for his writing, Breytenbach is a political activist sensitive to issues others want to avoid