Bu yıl büyük konserlerin yılı ve bu aydan itibaren hummalı bir festival ve konser trafiği başlıyor. Klasik müzikten caza, poptan metale, rock efsanelerinden hip-hop ve techno’ya kadar her zevke ve meşrebe uygun konserler var. Çoğu insanlara yaz tatili planlarını değiştirecek kadar heyecan verici. Seçim yapmanızı kolaylaştırmak için jürimizin önerdiklerinden bir konser listesi hazırladık.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, five Turkic nations became independent and Turkey postured to fill the power vacuum. Mostly, this backfired. Eager for independence, these new nations did not want to be patronized and Turkey was ill prepared to understand the power dynamics and social affinities in these countries. Moreover, domestic political and economic problems consumed Ankara throughout the 1990s, making Turkey a confusing partner to deal with. The country’s coalition government changed on a yearly basis, each with a different vision for the region: A Turkish nationalist party representative would travel with a pan-Turkic agenda while a member of Parliament from an Islamic party would advocate religious unity.