OYAK Genel Müdürü Süleyman Savaş Erdem, Bloomberg’e verdiği röportajda, henüz erken olmakla birlikte bankacılıkta fırsatlara baktıklarını dile getirerek “Somut gelişmeler olması halinde başta 300 bini aşkın üyemiz olmak üzere tüm ülkemize gururla duyururuz” dedi. Oyakbank, 2007 yılında 2.7 milyar dolara ING Groep NV’ye satılmış, Oyak Grubu Türkiye’de bankacılık faaliyetinden çıkmıştı.
#Savaş ErdemMARDIN - OYAK, Turkey’s leading pension fund which is active in automotive, steel, cement and energy, may ’export’the formula that made it a success over the past nine years, according to Chairman Coşkun Ulusoy. ’Imagine the name of any major private equity fund or pension fund worldwide, and I can guarantee you we are talking to them,’Ulusoy says.
AMSTERDAM, MILAN - ING Groep, the Dutch bank and insurer, reported yesterday a 793 million euros ($1.08 billion) net loss for the first quarter, blaming falling asset prices, the weak performance of insurance contracts, and charges for restructuring its business.
Turkey's largest publicly traded bank in terms of market capitalization, Akbank said late Friday it sees "an important opportunity" in the takeover of Oyak Bank by the Dutch financial giant ING. Akbank officials stated they have taken over most of the assets of military personnel who decided to cut their ties with their former bank, a business worth some 3 billion liras (2.3 billion dollars). Akbank also said it doesn't expect to be affected by its U.S. partner Citigroup's decision to sell $400 billion of its assets.