Koronavirüs salgınının başından beri alınan tüm önlemlere ve aşılama çalışmalarına karşın vaka ve ölüm sayılarında dünya genelinde ilk ülke olmayı sürdüren ABD'de Kovid-19 kaynaklı ölümler 800 bini aştı. Hayatını kaybedenler için anma töreni düzenlenirken aşı konusunda çağrılar yapıldı.
#KoronavirüsABD'de kasım ile aralık aylarını kapsayan ve "Tatil Sezonu (Holiday Season)" olarak adlandırılan dönemde perakende satışların, geçen yıla göre yüzde 3,6 ila yüzde 5,2 arasında artarak 755,3 milyar dolar ile 766,7 milyar dolar arasında gerçekleşmesi bekleniyor.
#Holiday SeasonMARMARİS - With the world under the water of an economic crisis, the upcoming holiday season is looking bleak. Hoping to receive some good news for a better summer season in the following days, some in the tourism industry say the present situation is "unexcited" and "desperate."
VANCOURVE - There is more than a year before the next Winter Olympic Games, but questions about host city Vancouver are already hanging in the air. The Canadian city is currently facing major transportation problems but authorities vow to improve, learning from recent incidents where passengers were stranded for long periods of time
LOS ANGELES -The Holocaust and World War II are rich landscapes for exploring moral issues and human costs, and such stories resonate with filmmakers and awards voters alike, says Steve Pond, author of 'The Big Show: High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards'
ISTANBUL - Istanbul's restaurant scene has been in need of a brasserie for a long time and last year La Brise swept in to fill the gap. With a relaxed atmosphere, a great menu and mulled wine service throughout the holiday season, La Brise is a standout dining experience
Every year, toward the end of December, warnings come from some of the conservative Islamic voices in Turkey. They advise their co-religionists to avoid indulging in New Year’s Eve celebrations, which they see as a "Christian tradition." Some of them, especially the most orthodox, even go as far as saying that Muslims will be betraying their faith if they sympathize with Santa Claus or Christmas trees.
ISTANBUL - While evergreens and fir trees were sold along the streets of Galata, finding other kinds of decorative garnishes could be more difficult. Asparagus, red berries and mistletoe could be found in palace gardens while one of the imperial princes ensured that the foreign community had plenty of holly.
BETHLEHEM - With the restoration of a relatively calm environment in West Bank, Jesus’ birthplace has emerged as an attraction center for Christmas pilgrims. The remarkable tourist boom in Bethlehem, doubling that of last year’s level, has created new job opportunities in the region.
Let us benefit from the languor of this holiday season and start with a note on Eid al Adha or Kurban Bayram. Despite all swaggering, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has failed to prevent the amateur butcher scandal. After all, they represent the backbone of the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP’s electorate.
ISTANBUL - Fans of the annual holiday British pantomime are treated this year to the British Community Council's staging of Cinderella. The producer says aficionados of the theatrical art form are already getting their families ready to see this year's traditional show
Safety precautions have been heightened during the holiday season, which is longer this year because New Year and the Feast of the Sacrifice fall at the same time. Traffic police will be stationed at 30-kilometre intervals on motorways, ready to turn over all those who are driving with anything missing or failing to obey traffic regulations in any other way.