Ford Otosan, Gölcük’te elektrikli ve hibrit araç atağına kalkıyor. ‘Transit ailesi’nin 2’si plug-in (şarjlı) 5 farklı hibrit (melez) versiyonunu üretecek Ford Otosan, hibrit modelleri bu yılın sonunda, ‘plug-in hibrit’ modelleri ise 2020 yılı başında satışa sunacak. Gölcük’te 2020 yılında üretilecek ilk yüzde 100 elektrikli Transit ise 2021 yılında satışa sunulacak.
#GazetehaberleriFord, Avrupa’da sıkıntılı günleri geride bırakmak için piyasaya sunacağı yeni modelleri ve stratejilerini ‘Go Further’ (Daha ileri) isimli organizasyonla dünyaya tanıttı. Amsterdam’da düzenlenen tanıtımda Ford’un yıldızı Gölcük’te üretilen ‘Courier’ oldu. Ford’u küçük hafif ticari araç sınıfına sokacak bu araç ilk kez vitrine çıkarken sahneye havadan indirilince, ‘Ford’a gökten zembille indi’ yorumları yapıldı.
3 yılda 3’üncü fabrika dahil 2 milyar TL’ye yakın yatırım kararı alan Ford Otosan’dan bir yeni model sürprizi daha geldi. Tourneo Custom, yeni Transit ve küçük ticari aracın dışında 4’üncü model üzerine de çalıştıklarını söyleyen Ford Otosan Genel Müdürü Haydar Yenigün, 2013 yılında üretimi bitecek Transit Connect’in yerine ise ABD’ye üretecekleri yeni 2 modeli gönderebileceklerinin müjdesini verdi.
2012 yılına ‘Go Further’ (Hep Daha İleri) sloganıyla giren Ford Otosan, 485 milyon lira (205 milyon Euro) yatırımla Türkiye’deki 3’üncü fabrikasını kuruyor. Bu yılın ilk çeyreğinde temeli atılacak 110 bin adet kapasiteli yeni fabrikada, 2013’ten itibaren Ford’un yeni küçük hafif ticari aracı üretilecek. 1000-1500 kişilik yeni istihdam yaratacak fabrikayla Ford Otosan’ın kapasitesi 340 binden 450 bine yükselecek.
The tall, angry, bald man appears to be frustrated with the refusal of some people, not necessarily all of them critical of his Justice and Development Party, or the AKP, who refuse to use the official "AK Party" abbreviation and instead "insist" on referring to the party as the "AKP." "It is impudent to refer to our party as the AKP," the tall, angry, bald man told a recent news conference and reiterated that everyone "must use" the official "AK Party" abbreviation.
One needs to stand up and "applaud" the European Union. It has spoiled everything. It started out to solve the Cyprus issue and look how that turned out. I’m talking about the latest elections in Cyprus. The National Unity Party, or UBP, and its leader Derviş Eroğlu came back to power without much effort and defeat was handed to the ruling party, the Republican Turk’s Party, or CTP. I need to tell you why I brought the European Union into this.
ANKARA - Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rejected attempts to call Turkey the representative of moderate Islam. "It is unacceptable for us to agree with such a definition. Turkey has never been a country to represent such a concept. Moreover, Islam cannot be classified as moderate or not," Erdoğan said, speaking at Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies late Thursday.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a very interesting communication strategy. If studied carefully you’ll notice almost always the same picture. What would a leader of an administration normally do? Constantly talk about what they’re doing. They would mention numbers and stress what is being done to better the country, even if it is troublesome. They would always be in defense against the opposition and always stress that they are right and the opposition wrong. What would opposition leaders do? They would always complain.
About two weeks ago, first the Middle East Newsline reported a short story. Soon after, the World Tribune newspaper ran a lengthier article based on the Middle East Newsline report. According to these publications, Iraq and Turkey have been discussing a plan to destroy the northern Iraqi presence of the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, separatist, terrorist gang.
ISTANBUL - It could have been easier for Galatasaray, but after last week's unexpected loss to Metalist Kharkiv, it needs at least one point to qualify from the UEFA Cup Group B. Playing at Hertha Berlin today, Galatasaray will look for a win and recapturing the 'spirit of 2000,' hoping to pave the way to the final at the Şükrü Saracoğlu Stadium.
ISTANBUL - It could have been easier for Galatasaray, but after last week's unexpected loss to Metalist Kharkiv, it needs at least one point to qualify from the UEFA Cup Group B. Playing at Hertha Berlin today, Galatasaray will look for a win and recapturing the 'spirit of 2000,' hoping to pave the way to the final at the Şükrü Saracoğlu Stadium.
Is there anyone in Turkey who can say with absolute confidence that Hrant Dink, editor of the Armenian-Turkish Agos weekly, was not a victim of premeditated murder, committed despite police and gendarmerie intelligence being tipped off about the preparations for it, as early as a year before the heinous assassination was carried out, allegedly by a young hit man, 17-year-old Ogün Samast?
The European Central Bank celebrates its 10th birthday Monday with its reputation burnished by a steadfast stance on interest rates and quick action to supply banks with cash during the credit crisis over mortgage-backed securities. But the ECB now faces some of its biggest challenges as the euro economy faces an uncertain outlook this year. A recent economic boom appears to be trickling away and inflation - usually low in euro nations - has surged to recent record highs.