Avrupa Yayın Birliği (European Broadcasting Union – EBU), TRT’nin ev sahipliğinde 41 ülkeden yaklaşık 200 üst düzey yayıncının katılımıyla düzenlenen Medya Zirvesi’nde bir araya geldi. Zirvede koşan TRT Genel Müdürü Sobacı, “Küresel terörizmle en güçlü mücadeleyi veren Türkiye’nin kamu yayıncısı olarak, terörizmin kaynağı ve hedefi neresi olursa olsun hep birlikte buna karşı koyma noktasında sağlam bir iş birliği çağrısında bulunuyoruz.” dedi.
#TRTAvrupa Yayın Birliği (European Broadcasting Union – EBU), TRT’nin ev sahipliğinde 41 ülkeden yaklaşık 200 üst düzey yayıncının katılımıyla düzenlenen Medya Zirvesi’nde bir araya geldi. Zirvede koşan TRT Genel Müdürü Sobacı, “Küresel terörizmle en güçlü mücadeleyi veren Türkiye’nin kamu yayıncısı olarak, terörizmin kaynağı ve hedefi neresi olursa olsun hep birlikte buna karşı koyma noktasında sağlam bir iş birliği çağrısında bulunuyoruz” dedi.
#Avrupa Yayın BirliğiISTANBUL - Competing at the Eurovision Song Contest since 1975, Turkey has brought up the rear with an operetta, taken the stage with a song dedicated to petrol during an oil crisis and won by singing in English. This year the voting system has been changed and the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review takes a closer look at this continent-wide event through interviews with former jury members, Turkish Radio and Television Association, or TRT, officials and diehard fans
Eurovision 2004 için sayım başladı. Yarışma akşamına ev sahipliği yapacak Abdi İpekçi Spor Salonu, 30 TIR ve 40 kamyon malzemeyle baştan yaratıldı. 100’ü yabancı 750 teknisyen binayı konser salonu haline getirmek için 185 kilometre kablo döşedi. Final gecesinde kullanılacak her ekipmanın, her görevlinin yedeği hazırlandı. EBU henüz 5 milyon Euro’yu ödemedi, TRT şimdilik tüm harcamaları üstlendi.
ISTANBUL - Since 1971 there have been attempts to reopen the Halki Theological Seminary on Istanbul’s Heybeliada and while the appeals have not fallen on deaf ears, various reasons have been put forward as to why it should not be reopened. Successive Turkish governments have argued that reopening Halki would lead the way to applications for Muslim universities, even though Muslim seminaries were never opened before. However, the current education minister has said he can see no reason why it cannot be reopened
ISTANBUL - Whether by gaffe or by wily political maneuvering, the newly launched, state-run Armenian radio station is broadcasting in the Eastern Armenian dialect, which is incomprehensible to nearly everyone outside of Armenia. Officials were unaware and say they are now investigating
ANKARA - US President Barack Obama adopts a tactful approach while dealing with the sensitive matter of the events that occurred around 1915 when many people died. ’My views are on the record, and I have not changed those views. What I have been very encouraged by is news that under President Gül's leadership you are seeing a series of negotiations, a process in place between Armenia and Turkey to resolve a host of issues,’ he says.
In the campaign leading up to Sunday’s elections, the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, embraced a national slogan. "Think big," or in Turkish, "büyük düşün," was the advice the party offered the nation. It is clear the nation took that advice to heart, if not in precisely the way the AKP intended.