Bu yıl 96'ncı kez düzenlenen Oscar Ödülleri (Akademi Ödülleri) için geri sayım başladı. Sinema dünyasının en gösterişli ve sonucu en çok merak edilen ödüllerinden biri olan Oscar Ödülleri, bu gece Los Angeles'taki Dolby Tiyatrosu'nda sahiplerini bulacak. Özetle sinema tutkunlarını yine heyecan dolu bir gece bekliyor.
#Oscar ÖdülleriJERUSALEM - Israel goes to the polls for municipal elections today which highlight the persistent political and religious divisions in the country and particularly in Jerusalem. The elections are also seen as a major test of strength ahead of general elections on Feb. 10, but most Palestinians residing in Jerusalem, are expected to boycott the elections
JERUSALEM - Israel goes to the polls for municipal elections today which highlight the persistent political and religious divisions in the country and particularly in Jerusalem. The elections are also seen as a major test of strength ahead of general elections on Feb. 10, but most Palestinians residing in Jerusalem, are expected to boycott the elections