The one who does the actual reading of the coffee grounds seems to matter little, since it is read with a vehemence that leaves little doubt that anyone else would see the same. It seems that a person’s ability to read the grounds lies more in the variety of detail, rather than the degree of veracity. This is reading a book, not telling a story.
ISTANBUL - Unexpected extravagance awaits you and yours this week. Think of it as a late annual bonus or a love investment. Whatever the rationale, this is your week to sink into layers of Balinese massage at home, learn Bollywood dance moves or wind things up, or down, with raspberry cheesecake covered in Turkish coffee sauce.
Sokakta girdiği bir kavgada dayak yedikten sonra dövüş sanatını öğrenen ''Küçük Ejder'' lakaplı Bruce Lee'nin hayatı, ölümünün 31'inci yılında sinemaya aktarılıyor. Uzakdoğu filmlerine ilişkin bilgiler veren ''monkeypeaches'' sitesinin haberine göre, ''House of the Flying Daggers'' filmiyle tanınan yönetmen Wong Kar-Wai, efsanenin hayatını anlatan film için kolları sıvadı.