Kitap, Kültür, sanat gazetesi 'Book Culture Art Time's’ın bu yıl ilkini gerçekleştirdiği “Altın Kalem Ödülleri” 14 Mayıs Pazartesi akşamı Bağlarbaşı Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi’nde düzenlenecek törenle sahiplerine verilecek. 'Siyah Gelinlik', 'Yabancı Ses', 'Yoksul Ruh', 'Öznesi Sen' ve 'Sarı Yaz' kitaplarının yazarı Seda Küçük, “Siyah Gelinlik” kitabıyla “Dram Roman” dalında ödül alacak.
#Altın Kalem ÖdülleriKitap, kültür ve sanat gazetesi ‘Book Culture Art (BCA) Times BCA Time’s’ tarafından bu yıl ikincisi gerçekleştirilen ‘Altın Kalem Ödülleri’ Beykoz’da bulunan Mihrabat Korusu’nda düzenlenen törenle sahiplerini buldu. Dış haberler dalında ‘Altın Kalem Ödülü’ne bu yıl Londra’da yaşayan Turkish Press gazetesi imtiyaz sahibi İsmail Karakaş layık görüldü.
#LondraISTANBUL - For Jerzy Skolimowski, receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Istanbul Film Festival doesn’t mean the end of hard work. Despite a break in his directing career, he is ready to make more movies worth at least another prize of this kind in the next 10 years, as he joked at the final gala
İZMİR - Pioneering artist Özlem Özarı, the first person who opened an illumination atelier in İzmir, is creating a modern interpretation of the classical Ottoman art of illumination. She says this art is no longer popular and her goal is to pass it to the next generations
ISTANBUL - Most cemeteries in Istanbul are scattered around the city having witnessed the many civilizations the city has hosted. Yet the cemeteries lack attention and protection. Drunks and beggars most of the time bother visitors. Eyüp Sultan cemetery, dating back to the Ottoman Empire, is one of those in need of attention.
ISTANBUL - The purpose Anadolu Kültür, a non-profit organization, is to enable culture and arts to provide the medium by which eastern and western Turkey can meet. Anadolu Kültür Board Chairman Osman Kavala says sharing art and culture increases mutual understanding and sensitivity.