Aras Kargo ile, şirkette yüzde 25 hisseye sahip Austrian Post arasındaki gerilim tırmanıyor. Reuters'in geçtiği habere göre, Aras Kargo CEO'su, şirketin ortaklarından Österreıchısche Post'un ( Austrian Post) şirketten çekilmesini istedi.
#Aras KargoİŞ Girişim Sermayesi 2011 yılında Aras Kargo’dan 17.5 milyon liraya aldığı yüzde 20’lik hisseyi Austria Post’a 100 milyon liraya sattı. Avusturyalı şirket Aras ailesinden 25 milyon liraya yüzde 5 hisse daha alacak. Böylece 2 yıl önce 87.5 milyon lira olan Aras Kargo’nun değeri 500 milyon liraya çıkacak.
Dünyanın dört bir yanından 351 akademisyen ve üniversite yöneticisi, 'Barış İçin Akademisyenler İnisiyatifi’nin yayımladığı bildirinin ardından Türkiye'de yaşanan gelişmelere ilişkin kaygılarını ve Türk hükümetinden isteklerini bir açık mektup yazarak ifade etti.
#Barış İçin Akademisyenler İnisiyatifiANKARA - On June 4-5 in Istanbul, 300 leaders, businesswomen, academics and others aim to carve out a larger decision-making block for women Ğ from small businesses to world capitals. New U.S. Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues Melanne VerveerÊwill speak, summit founder Mona Tekin Diamond announces
MEXICO CITY - As Mexico begins a five-day break aimed at further slowing the spread of the deadly swine flu virus, the country's epidemiology chief faults the WHO for not stepping in earlier. Denmark and Hong Kong become latest countries to report H1N1 infections and the outbreak even touches the White House.
PARIS - Hot German-Turkish director Fatih Akın and his new comedy ’Soul Kitchen’ is in the running for a Palme d’Or nomination at the Cannes Film Festival, which will take place May 13 to 24 this year. For the first time in the festival's history, a 3D animation by US studio Pixar, 'Up,' will open the festival
ISTANBUL - The fifth Akbank Short Film Festival begins Monday. During the 10-day festival 85 short films will be screened. This year the festival’s 'Short to Feature' section has been devoted to Reha Erdem this year. His short films will be on screen as well as his first feature film
Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said it was because of election campaign that Barack Obama told Turkey was "occupier" in Cyprus on Sunday and added that they were in "an intensive but a silent contact process," with both candidates' foreign policy consultants.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said it was because of election campaign that Barack Obama told Turkey was "occupier" in Cyprus on Sunday and added that they were in "an intensive but a silent contact process," with both candidates' foreign policy consultants.