Three brothers making bombs for IS caught

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Three brothers making bombs for IS caught
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 27, 2017 16:58

Three brothers making bombs for IS caught

Haberin Devamı

Zafer Tokuş - Aziz Güvener / Sakarya, Jan 27 (DHA) – Three Iraqi brothers, building bombs for IS in a factory in Iraq, were caught in Samsun by the operation of Sakarya Police Force.

Public Prosecutor of Sakarya is organising operations against IS as a part of the investigation on IS. Organising new operations under the light of new information, teams from Sakarya Police Headquarters have determied that three Iraqi brothers, who are building bombs for IS, were living in Samsun. Brothers S.A.S.A.T., M.A.S.A.T. and M.A.S.A.T. were taken into custody as a part of the operation organised.

Brothers were determined to be building bombs for IS in Iraq and living in Turkey to carry on the operations in Turkey. It was reported that, many bombing were prevented with the operation and three Iraqi brothers were transfered to courthouse.



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