Four Turkish officers and a Turkish military attaché granted asylum in Norway

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Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 22, 2017 13:59

Four Turkish officers and a Turkish military attaché granted asylum in Norway

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Ersin Arslan / Oslo, March 22 (DHA) - A number of Turkish officers sought asylum in Western countries after the failed putsch in Turkey on July 15 last year. In January, it became clear that it also happened in Norway, that four officers and a military attaché had sought asylum in Norway after the putsch.
Kjell M. Brygfjeld, lawyer of the officers' confirmed that all five have been granted asylum. Political commentaters evaluate the decision as startling, because Turkey is a NATO country, as Norway gives the officers protection from their own homeland, which is also a military ally.
They say that relations between Turkey and the EU have been very bad lately. If more countries follow Norway's example and provide asylum to former officers who have defected, it could be even worse.
The officers and military attaché have been stationed in Norway when a part of the Turkish military tried to take power in their homeland last summer. All claim that they had no business with putsch to do.
The four officers said in January to VG daily that they last lost their jobs and was told to go back to Turkey. They refused and chose instead to seek asylum in Norway.
Officers say themselves that they fear detention in Turkey despite the fact that they should not have anything with putsch to do.
"It is impossible to return now. I am dismissed from my service in Norway, and my passport is canceled. If I go back, I immediately arrested, and I risk torture and being forced to give false confessions. In Turkish prisons people die inexplicably" said one of the officers told VG daily in January this year.
The four ex-officers and former diplomat now living at a secret address in Norway. Also family members should have received asylum in this country.

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