Dozens of illegal rifles, pistols found in shop selling circumcision clothes in Istanbul

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Dozens of illegal rifles, pistols found in shop selling circumcision clothes in Istanbul
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 28, 2017 18:51

Dozens of illegal rifles, pistols found in shop selling circumcision clothes in Istanbul

Haberin Devamı

 İstanbul, Mar 28 (DHA) – Some 130 illegal rifles and 30 pistols were discovered during a raid on a shop selling circumcision clothes in Istanbul’s Bayrampaşa district late on Monday.
Bayrampaşa police found unlicensed pump rifles when carrying out examinations on weapons vendors in the district. The police then tracked down the owner of the vendor and determined that illegal arms sales were occurring.
After two months of technical and physical surveillance, police staged an operation on a shop selling circumcision clothes late on Monday, seizing 130 rifles and 30 pistols.
The raid, as well as the apprehension of three suspects, was recorded on a police camera.
The confiscated weapons, which were valued at 500 thousand Turkish Liras, were subsequently presented to the press.
The three suspects were referred to a court after questioning at police headquarters while also assessed 100 thousand liras in administrative fines.

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